Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Royal gunboat saves British tanker


WASHINGTON — Armed Iranian boats attempted to seize a British tanker in strategic Gulf waters on Wednesday but were driven off by a Royal Navy frigate, CNN reported.

The Iranians ordered the British Heritage oil tanker, which was crossing into the Strait of Hormuz area, to change course and stop in Tehran’s nearby waters, CNN said, citing two American officials.

A US aircraft shot video of the incident, which ended when the HMS Montrose — which was escorting the tanker — trained its guns on the boats and successful­ly warned them to back off, the channel said.

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani had warned Britain of “consequenc­es” on Wednesday over the detention of one of the country’s oil tankers off the coast of Gibraltar.

The Iranians ordered the British Heritage oil tanker, which was crossing into the Strait of Hormuz area, to change course and stop in Tehran’s nearby waters.

“I point out to the British that you initiated insecurity (on the seas) and you shall grasp the consequenc­es of it later on,” Rouhani said in comments to the cabinet broadcast by state TV.

The 330-meter (1,000-foot) Grace 1 tanker, capable of carrying two million barrels of oil, was halted on Thursday by police and customs officers in Gibraltar — a British overseas territory on Spain’s southern tip — with the aid of a detachment of British Royal Marines.

Iran condemned the detention as an “illegal intercepti­on,” but Gibraltar officials said that the cargo was believed to be destined for Syria, which is subject to European sanctions.

Iran denied this, saying that the destinatio­n “was somewhere else.”

 ??  ?? HAPPENING behind this façade of the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna are talks among world leaders tackling Iran’s nuclear program.AFP
HAPPENING behind this façade of the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna are talks among world leaders tackling Iran’s nuclear program.AFP

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