Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Is she the one?

I’ve always hoped she’s alive, and to find her alive


ROME, Italy — Teenager Emanuela Orlandi went missing in Italy 36-years ago, but her big brother Pietro has never stopped looking for her.

As the Vatican prepares to exhume two graves tipped to possibly hold her remains, his search may soon be over — though the 60-year old told AFP on Wednesday he still hopes to find her alive.

“I’ve always hoped she’s alive, and to find her alive,” says Orlandi, whose 88-year-old mother still lives within the Vatican walls.

“But if Emanuela is dead and is buried there, it’s right that what has been hidden for so many years come to light.”

Orlandi, the daughter of a Vatican employee, was last seen leaving a music class aged 15, and theories have circulated for decades about who took her and where her body may lie.

The tombs will be opened Thursday after the family’s lawyer received an anonymous tip-off with a picture of an angel-topped grave in the Teutonic Cemetery.

The small, leafy cemetery, usually the last resting place for German-speaking members of Catholic institutio­ns, lies beyond St Peter’s Basilica in an area off limits to tourists.

The tombs in question belong to two princesses, buried in 1836 and 1840.

Their remains will be removed and examined on site by a forensic anthropolo­gist who is expected to roughly date the bones — depending on their condition — and extract material for a DNA analysis.

According to some theories widely circulated in Italian media, the teen was snatched by a mobster gang to put pressure on the Vatican to recover a loan.

Another oft-repeated claim in the press was that she was taken to force the release from prison of Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turk who attempted to assassinat­e Pope Jean Paul II in 1981.

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