Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Diokno ‘manipulate­d’ fishermen

I think it’s the other way around. He should ask himself in the mirror because that question applies to him

- By Kristina Maralit

Malacañang yesterday hit back on human rights lawyer Chel Diokno after the latter accused the government of allegedly persuading the fishermen from Palawan and Zambales to withraw as petitioner­s in the Writ of Kalikasan petition they filed before the Supreme Court (SC).

In a press briefing, presidenti­al spokesman Salvador Panelo said it was Diokno and his allies who “influenced” and “manipulate­d” the fishermen from Palawan and Zambales to compel the government to protect the resources in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).

The fishermen reportedly withdrew as petitioner­s in the Writ of Kalikasan plea, saying the petition was filed without their consent. This was disclosed by Solicitor General Jose Calida early this week.

Diokno then alleged that government emissaries may have “secretly” spoken to his clients to convince them to disown the petition. According to Diokno, this violates legal ethics.

“I think it’s the other way around. He should ask himself in the mirror because that question applies to him,” Panelo stated.

“Because if we are to believe the affidavit of the fishermen, it’s them that influenced or manipulate­d them because I understand, the very reason why the fishermen went to them is because their houses were being demolished and they had a problem not in regard to that and then they were asked to sign documents, turns out it was already a petition — the statement of the fishermen,” he continued.

The petition was filed to urge the SC to issue a special order directing the government to protect three Philippine reefs in the WPS, including areas well within the country’s exclusive economic zone.

The petition claimed that the marine life in and around the said areas have been badly damaged by China due to its aggressive reclamatio­n and militariza­tion activities in the disputed waters.

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