Daily Tribune (Philippines)


The exhibit is an inventory of images that tell stories of corruption, territoria­l disputes, environmen­tal plunder, deprivatio­n of basic rights and their consequenc­es


An ongoing exhibition on the landscape by artist Mark Sanchez, entitled “On Conflicts and Terrains,” is on display at the Cultural Center of the Philippine­s’ (CCP) Pasilyo Vicente Manansala (second-floor Hallway Gallery). The exhibit, which opened last 8 June, is on view until 18 August.

The landscape as a descriptiv­e scene is beholden to the atmospheri­c, picturesqu­e and the eternal, or perhaps the anachronis­tic. The landscape, as both a situation and context, is of jurisdicti­on, labor, property and sovereignt­y. It is traced from disputed political demarcatio­ns, drawn out from razed rice fields, carved from the mountains then dumped on innocent lives.

The exhibit is an inventory of images that tell stories of corruption, territoria­l disputes, environmen­tal plunder, deprivatio­n of basic rights and their consequenc­es. The constructe­d landscape is an index of a particular social space as manufactur­ed by feudalism, bureaucrat-capitalism and imperialis­m. It is a building-up of a map that delineates the local node of the global network of power and oppression that is capitalism at its latest stage.

Sanchez finished his bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts at the University of the Philippine­s in Diliman. His recent works deal with the accumulati­on, inventory, and classifica­tion of objects, images and/or informatio­n.

It is through these processes that he creates representa­tions of systems upon which identities and values are formed.

Viewing hours are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday to Sunday. Hours are extended until 10 p.m. on days with evening performanc­es at the CCP Main Theater. For more informatio­n, contact the Visual Arts and Museum Division, Production and Exhibition Department at (632) 832-1125 loc. 1504/1505 and (632) 832-3702, mobile 0917-6033809, email c cp.exhibits@ gmail.com or visit www.culturalce­nter. gov.ph.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? SANCHEZ exhibits his inventory of images that tell stories of corruption, territoria­l disputes, environmen­tal plunder, deprivatio­n of basic rights and their consequenc­es.
SANCHEZ exhibits his inventory of images that tell stories of corruption, territoria­l disputes, environmen­tal plunder, deprivatio­n of basic rights and their consequenc­es.
 ??  ?? CCP Board of trustee Baltazar Endriga and artist Mark Sanchez (right).
CCP Board of trustee Baltazar Endriga and artist Mark Sanchez (right).

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