Daily Tribune (Philippines)

The pack that gives back

Nestlé launches first-ever ready-to-drink subscripti­on service in the Philippine­s that allows you to upcycle your used beverage cartons


Parents can now take their families on the path towards sustainabi­lity.

To help Filipino families directly take part in efforts to achieve a more nutritious and more sustainabl­e future, Nestlé recently launched its Nestlé Ready-To-Drink (RTD) Baon Subscripti­on on goodfood.ph, the first-ever subscripti­on and delivery service of Nestlé RTD brands (Chuckie, Milo Ready-To-Drink, Bear Brand Yogu) and Fresh Milk Range (Nestlé Fresh Milk, Nestlé Low-Fat Milk and Nestlé Non-Fat Milk).

It provides children with healthy and nutritious on-the-go beverages. Beyond this, it teaches them sustainabi­lity through the subscripti­on service that allows consumers to return their used beverage cartons through Nestlé’s partner upcycling facility.

Nestlé RTD’s subscripti­on service is the first of its kind in the Philippine­s and is a testament to the brand’s efforts to be there for Filipino families in their quest for a sustainabl­e lifestyle that answers their needs as well as aspiration­s.

Besides taking families to the green path, this new subscripti­on service offers a convenient, efficient and hassle-free way of purchasing Filipino kids’ baon must-haves.

Automatic replenishm­ent means not having to worry about running out of the drinks, while doorstep delivery means not having to put up with horrible traffic and long lines at the grocery counter.

For added convenienc­e, a variety of widely accepted payment options are available, including credit cards and cash on delivery. Best of all, subscriber­s can look forward to regular freebies, gifts and deals.

“We know that Filipino parents aspire to create a sustainabl­e future for their families, and they are increasing­ly aware that the path to this begins with them. Nestlé would like to be with them in this, and the RTD subscripti­on service allows them to take part in these efforts while fulfilling their day-to-day needs,” Veronica Cruz, business unit manager of Nestlé Ready-To-Drink portfolio, said.

Try the RTD subscripti­on service today at https://subscripti­ons.goodfood. ph/ready-to-drink.

 ??  ?? FORGET the long lines at the grocery and help save Mother Earth by subscribin­g to Nestle’s ready-to-drink subscripti­on services.
FORGET the long lines at the grocery and help save Mother Earth by subscribin­g to Nestle’s ready-to-drink subscripti­on services.

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