Daily Tribune (Philippines)

This sunscreen bottle saves seas

A lot are aware that chemicals in our sunscreens that we use before are actually toxic to coral reefs, even with just a minimal amount


The Philippine­s is now composed of 7,641 islands and boasts of having the best beaches in the world. Sitting in the Coral Triangle that spans Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, the Solomon Islands, Indonesia and Malaysia, our country is also home to rare species and pristine bodies of water.

If you plan to go to the beach trip for a quick weekend getaway, help preserve the beauty of the ocean in your own little way. One can use Magwai Reef-Safe Sunscreen.

Magwai Reef-Safe Sunscreen was born out of two beach-lovers’ passion and admiration for the ocean and coral reefs. It may seem like corals are merely rocks that serve as homes to sea creatures, but they are actually made of thousands of tiny animals and are vulnerable and need protection, too. Climate change, destructiv­e fishing practices, recreation­al misuse, trash and plastic pollution are the common elements we know that harm the ocean, but not a lot are aware that chemicals in our sunscreens that we use before are actually toxic to coral reefs, even with just a minimal amount.

Have you checked if your go-to sunscreen contains oxybenzone, benzopheno­ne-3, butylparab­en, octinoxate or ethylhyxyl methoxycin­namate and 4-methylbenz­ylidene camphor? These are just a few of the toxic chemicals in our beach products that can cause damage to the corals and the living creatures that call it home. Simple actions such as checking what your products contain and being mindful of the sunscreen you choose can make a big difference.

Magwai Reef-Safe Sunscreen is designed with natural ocean-loving ingredient­s that also keep us safe from sun damage. It contains SPF 50+ broad spectrum, UVA and UVB protection. It also is water- and sweat resistant and paraben-free; uses non-nano ingredient­s; and boasts of all-natural ingredient­s including zinc oxide and titanium dioxide which are harmless to reefs and corals.

To know more, visit www.magwai. com.ph.

 ??  ?? FRIENDLY to both the ocean and our skin.
FRIENDLY to both the ocean and our skin.

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