Daily Tribune (Philippines)



His nom de guerre, the alias he hides behind fearing he may eventually be held accountabl­e to those he disparages, is Joe America, a.k.a. JoeAm. A sneaky and cowardly attempt at credibilit­y to lure locals enamored with things imported.

Considered a fly-in-the-ointment by most Filipino leaders, albeit for a twicelosin­g politico who once sought the presidency and failed, he is a strapping supporter.

However, given resurgent threats of terrorism by faceless entities who take advantage of government’s preoccupat­ion with COVID-19, those considered his apostles might want to reconsider their slavering servitude where they echo his troll posts.

Allow us to define terms against which we array the hateful incendiary


the anti-Filipino rants of a TNT racist so utilitaria­n he convenient­ly married ‘Inday’ for the license to enjoy Filipino hospitalit­y and residency.

calls he’s assembled into lethal ordnance and launched against both Filipinos and our president.

TNT is explosive trinitroto­luene. It also means “tago ng tago.” Both are applicable to terrorists.

Sedition is conduct or speech inciting people “to rebel against the authority of a state or its leaders.”

To incite is to agitate. To agitate citizens to loathe their country and their leaders is seditious. These include acts “by persons who try to prevent the execution of law; prevent the government or public officers from exercising their functions; (or) inflict an act of hate upon public officers.”

Terrorism has no precise global definition. The Latin “terrere” means to frighten. Its noun means “great fear” or “dread.” Congress defines it as “sowing and creating a condition of widespread and extraordin­ary fear in order to coerce the government to give in to an unlawful demand.” Beyond immediate victims, terrorism targets larger spectrums of society. Hence it hitches on a delivery system like social media. Readers might ask why this nobody deserves editorial space. The rants of a coward hiding behind anonymity don’t deserve airing when they sink to racist bigotry.

Unfortunat­ely, terrorists who plant bombs in churches and malls are likewise anonymous. So are political assassins faceless. On social media, TNT hide in virtual sniper’s nests to spread hatred and incite sedition by herding the gullible against our leaders, our government and our country.

Note the anti-Filipino rants of a TNT racist so utilitaria­n he convenient­ly married “Inday” for the license to enjoy

Filipino hospitalit­y and residency.

Of our revered Filipino Catholic culture, he denigrates by writing,

“The dominant Filipino culture is morally bent. The foundation of

‘goodness’ is not Christian principles of compassion and good works but tribal qualities of loyalty and respect for power. Two facets of the dominant Filipino culture are emotionali­zed reasoning rather than analytical reasoning, and admiration of the powerful rather than admiration of the decent.” So claims the troll who describes Benigno Aquino III as “cerebral.” Reflecting Burdick and Lederer’s classic “The Ugly American,” he blames our poverty on our “cultural rejection of analytical reasoning, decency, and good works.” In effect he says we are poor because we are stupid, indecent and bad.

Of our President who he claims “orchestrat­ed the killing of thousands,” he insults with the words “leering misogynist,” “gun-toting bully,” “murderer” and “small-minded.”

He then repeatedly declares, “You can’t have a nation like this.”

Those are damn strong inflammato­ry words verging on being a veiled threat. There is no uglier American than a troll who incites hate upon our leaders.


a fly-in-the-ointment by most Filipino leaders, albeit for a twice-losing politico who once sought the presidency and failed, he is a strapping supporter.

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