Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Isko hails DENR for Manila Bay project

We need this, we need a clean sea, a clean river, a clean creek so the next generation can enjoy a vibrant and clean Manila


Manila Mayor Francisco “Isko Moreno” Domagoso on Saturday hailed the efforts of the Department of Environmen­t and Natural Resources (DENR) to clean up and beautify Manila Bay.

Domagoso made the remark in celebratio­n of the Internatio­nal Day of Coastal Clean-up.

Domagoso said previous administra­tions have neglected to rehabilita­te the bay area except on occasions when garbage had to be collected from the bay.

Turning his guns on government critics, Moreno said they are free to express their opinions, but as far as Manilans are concerned, the beautifica­tion of the Manila Bay is appreciate­d and recognized.

“Don’t drag Manila in politics. We need this, we need a clean sea, a clean river, a clean creek so the next generation can enjoy a vibrant and clean Manila,” Domagoso said.

Moreno reminded critics that the government is not the enemy.

“The DENR is not the enemy. The DILG (Department of the Interior and Local Government), DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Developmen­t) and DA (Department of Agricultur­e) are not the enemies. The enemy is perhaps near you, COVID-19. That’s the true enemy,” Moreno said.

“While we respect our different views, we must maintain in our heart and mind that we are all Filipino that has responsibi­lity to the country, community and environmen­t,” he added.

While we respect our different views, we must maintain in our heart and mind that we are all Filipino that has responsibi­lity to the country, community and environmen­t.

In jest, Moreno thanked those who opposed the white sands on Manila Bay for putting the city in the limelight.

For his part, DENR Secretary Roy Cimatu said the Manila bay rehabilita­tion project was started two years ago and the dolomite sand at the bay is part of the second stage.

Water treatment plants have been installed in river ways not only in Manila but in other waterways to see to it that water from canals, creeks and the will be filtered and rid of organic dirt before it enters Manila Bay, according to Cimatu.

Meanwhile, various government agencies and private organizati­ons on Saturday spearheade­d the Manila Bay clean up and collected trash in the area in observance of Internatio­nal Coastal Cleanup Day.

Personnel from the the Bureau of Fire Department, Department of Public Works and Highways and the Department of Health joined other government employees for the cleanup activity on Roxas Boulevard.

The local Lions Club, on the other hand, was among the private organizati­ons that joined the activity.

Earlier, the DENR said it is fast-tracking the dumping of synthetic white sand along the shores of Manila Bay for the clean-up day.

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