Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Autocrats and the pandemic


Centered on political ideology, authoritar­ianism was once thought as the better governance model to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Such notion now seems premature.

As the pandemic spread, alongside it, the responses of the various government­s, from the autocratic where the SARS-Cov-2 had first germinated and quickly infected, to over great oceans, less authoritar­ian, more democratic if not liberal nations, the early notions changed drasticall­y.

Perhaps authoritar­ianism might have been the simplest to impose during a pandemic’s early spread. Allow us to analyze that against the imperative­s of the moment.

Even as basic measures to mitigate the pandemic were common to most, there were telling difference­s in the duration of lockdowns, the manner, adherence to science, use of force and the caliber of the authoritie­s tasked. All these reflected the efficienci­es of the political system brought to bear on a health crisis.

Borders needed to be shut and trade interests needed to be set aside. Only fools fight in a burning house. Partisansh­ip needed to be put down. Same with the cliché democratic space that comes with any liberal political system. The public needed to be compelled to wear personal protective equipment. Supplies had to be secured. Purchase protocols, even competitiv­e bidding would have wasted too much time. Tests needed to be taken, hospital capacities had to be addressed. All else had to wait.

Hindsight, they say, is perfect vision. Autocrats seemed to fit the bill. A decisive leader was needed. That he would prioritize the public interest was a naïve albeit foregone conclusion.

Indulge our bipolarity. Allow us to divide the world into two categories simply for the purpose of cutting dark and thick lines between autocratic regimes versus traditiona­l democracie­s.

In September 2020, The Lancet ranked the Philippine­s 66th out of 91 countries in terms of government responses to the Covid-19 crisis. Recently the Lowy Institute for Internatio­nal Policy developed a Covid Performanc­e Index where a calculus of inputs included an analysis of political systems and governance, population, and economic developmen­t. Of particular importance

were competing structures, vulnerabil­ities, and divergent political priorities. For example, police powers employed to indiscrimi­nately impose strict lockdowns may restrain transmissi­on but these paralyze productivi­ty and create massive unemployme­nt.

By combining the Lancet and Lowy analyses where we ranked at the bottom, we derived three hypotheses. One, authoritar­ian regimes bore no prolonged advantage. Liberal democracie­s had more successes. Their recoveries, faster and steeper. Hybrids on the other hand, appeared the least able.

Two, economies with congested overpopula­tion challenges were impacted more even after inputting per capita indicators to minimize methodolog­ical counting bias. For overpopula­ted authoritar­ian regimes per capita indicators were far lesser than those with more liberal, and more efficient democratic productive sectors.

Segueing to the question of economic developmen­t, true democracie­s with higher per capita incomes perform better. Ironically, the less developed authoritar­ian regimes had a greater sense of urgency. Unfortunat­ely, with less developed, or plundered health care systems, their simplistic adherence to largescale lockdowns and the employment of police powers on a health crisis all impact negatively over the long haul.

True democracie­s with higher per capita incomes perform better. Ironically, the less developed authoritar­ian regimes had a greater sense of urgency.

“Hindsight, they say, is perfect vision. Autocrats seemed to fit the bill. A decisive leader was needed. That he would prioritize the public interest was a naïve albeit foregone conclusion.

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