Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Racism in Iligan City Hall?

- MACABANGKI­T B. LANTO Email: amb_mac_lanto @yahoo.com

I write this piece with a heavy heart. If my readers will notice, the central theme of my articles is mostly to educate the uninitiate­d of the peculiarit­ies of Muslim belief, culture and mores. Through my pen, it is our wish that better understand­ing and peaceful coexistenc­e among people of diverse cultures and sects will pave the way for mutual respect and, by and large, peace. They have always been conciliato­ry and never offensive. It is aimed to quash distrust and promote respect among people. However, respect as an element of civility is a two-way street. Mutuality must be observed, else, it will breed abuse.

I make this a priori statement because of an incident that happened at the Iligan City Hall.

Allow me first to say that the town is my second home. I spent the most memorable days of my formative and growing up years in Iligan, a Christian-dominated city. I got my early formal education there. Family members considered themselves “Lumad” Iliganon. In fact, the street where we grew up and where our modest house still stands is named after my deceased father Datu Lumampao Lanto, in recognitio­n of his invaluable contributi­on for the peaceful and harmonious relationsh­ip between Muslims and Christian-Iliganons. Any negative report therefore about my beloved city is my concern.

Recently, a post by a Muslim lady, Hdj Shajeea Macabato, on her Facebook account, datelined 18 February, stirred up a hornet’s nest, so to speak, among Moro netizens. She blogged in a piece entitled “Racism, A demise of human morality,” her gripe against an employee of Iligan City Hall. This went viral among Muslim netizens who expressed their indignatio­n and anger by reposting it in chatrooms.

Briefly, culled from her narrative, she went to Iligan City Hall to apply for a residence certificat­e or cedula. Upon inquiry, she was referred to the window of “Teller 4” manned by a female employee. She did not expect any fuss about it, after all she claimed to be a longtime resident of the city and equipped with identifica­tion documents to prove her identity and residency like her “barangay ID card membership.” Instead, she was subjected to strict and intense questionin­g and humiliatio­n by the employee. She dutifully answered all the questions asked of her. The rub, however, was when her picture was to be taken. She was required to remove her hijab, locally called kombong, a Muslim women’s scarf covering her head, neck and breast. She resisted, arguing that she is a Muslim, but the female employee “raised her voice” and said, “You take it off, if not, I will not take the picture.” She argued that when she applied for a national valid ID, like a passport, profession­al PRC ID, driver’s license, voter’s ID, etc., she was never asked to remove her hijab. She said she wears hijab publicly because “it’s a part of me… and wraps up my identity.” She was adamant, but the better part of her made her relent to the demand of the female employee.

Initially, I couldn’t believe the narrative and entertaine­d doubt about her identity. I thought it was concocted by the political enemies of the incumbent mayor to destroy the image of his administra­tion. But my source confirmed that it was not a fake account nor the handiwork of a troll or bot, and that the incident really happened.

Recently, I wrote about the issue of Muslim women wearing hijab, a peculiar religious practice based on the Holy Koran and Hadith of Prophet Muhammad, PBUH. The world is gaining headway in its long struggle to stamp out bigotry, prejudice and intoleranc­e. People of different faiths no longer give a second look to hijabis. The incident in Iligan City is unfortunat­ely a fly in the ointment. In the Iligan I know, diversity of sect and culture has long ceased to be an issue.

This column appeals to the City Government of Iligan to have this incident investigat­ed and, if warranted by evidence, to mete out the administra­tive penalty to the erring female employee. This will send a strong signal to all and sundry about its commitment for respect and unity in diversity among residents.

“This column appeals to the City Government of Iligan to have this incident investigat­ed and, if warranted by evidence, to mete out the administra­tive penalty.

“It is our wish that better understand­ing and peaceful coexistenc­e among people of diverse culture and sects will pave the way for mutual respect and… peace.

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