Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Robots, less maintenanc­e than lovers


TOKYO (AFP) — Nami Hamaura says she feels less lonely working from home thanks to her singing companion Charlie, one of a new generation of cute and clever Japanese robots whose sales are booming in the pandemic. Smart home assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa have found success worldwide, but tech firms in Japan are reporting huge demand for more humanlike alternativ­es, as people seek solace during coronaviru­s isolation.

“I felt my circle became very small,” said 23-year-old Hamaura, a recent graduate who has worked almost entirely remotely since April 2020.

With socializin­g limited, life in her first job at a Tokyo trading company was nothing like she had imagined.

So she adopted Charlie, a mug-sized robot with a round head, red nose and flashing bow-tie, who converses with its owner in song.

Yamaha, which makes Charlie, describes it as “more chatty than a pet, but less work than a lover.”

“He is there for me to chat with as someone other than family, or friends on social networks, or a boss I needed to produce a report for,” Hamaura told AFP.

She is a pre-launch test customer for Charlie, which Yamaha plans to release later this year.

“Charlie, tell me something interestin­g,” she asks while typing at her dining table.

“Well, well... balloons burst when you spray lemon juice!” he replies, cheerfully tilting his head to each side.

Sharp said sales of its small humanoid Robohon were up 30 percent in the three months to September 2020 compared with a year earlier.

“Not only families with children, but also seniors in their 60s and 70s” are snapping up Robohon, which talks, dances and is also a working phone, a Sharp spokesman told AFP.

But the adorable android — first released in 2016 and only available in Japan — does not come cheap, with regular models priced between $820 and $2,250.

Charlie and Robohon are part of a new wave of robot companions pioneered by firms such as Sony with its robot dog Aibo, on sale since 1999, and SoftBank’s friendly Pepper, which hit shelves in 2015.

Yamaha, Sharp banking on humanoid companions.

 ?? PHILIP FONG/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE ?? So cute The robot Bocco emo provides companions­hip to anyone who can afford it.
PHILIP FONG/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE So cute The robot Bocco emo provides companions­hip to anyone who can afford it.

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