Daily Tribune (Philippines)

‘CCP 50 x Cinemalaya 15 Catalog’ launched


The Cultural Center of the Philippine­s (CCP) has released the catalog Scenes Reclaimed: CCP 50 x Cinemalaya 15, a collection of images and objects based on a 2019 exhibition of the same name. The show is a joint project of the CCP Film, Broadcast and New Media Division and the CCP Visual Arts and Museum Division.

The rise of CCP along Manila Bay set in motion a series of irrepressi­ble reclamatio­ns that endure until today. As a monumental construct whose final definition remains suspended, the CCP has served as both venue, a site for the contestati­on of the meaning of nation, and avenue, a route for approachin­g the internal contradict­ions of and making progress toward national cinema. Its history, which has harbored opposing ideals of culture and witnessed the opposition of state and society, spans half of Philippine cinema’s first century. Cinemalaya, emerging in 2005, was a practical and discursive outworking of these contending political and ideologica­l strains.

The show, Scenes Reclaimed, traces the interrogat­ion of “independen­t” cinema in view of historical pursuits of freedom in the national narrative. This book, apart from serving as a catalog of the exhibit, is also an educationa­l material for Filipino students and makers of film, a compendium of keywords for a critical pedagogy of Philippine cinema. To revisit Scenes Reclaimed, the exhibit, visit the third floor of the CCP Main Theater building in the 360 tour in the CCP website.

The publicatio­n, Scenes Reclaimed: CCP 50 x Cinemalaya 15, is available at the CCP Shop.

 ??  ?? THE catalog of the Scenes Reclaimed: CCP 50 x Cinemalaya 15.
THE catalog of the Scenes Reclaimed: CCP 50 x Cinemalaya 15.

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