Daily Tribune (Philippines)

English Tea Shop highlights community support


Organic tea has long been enjoyed and celebrated all over the world for its goodness and soothing properties that complement in taking time to relax over a cup of carefully-selected tea leaves, helping to find the balance and relieve the stress amid the current pandemic situation.

To highlight the positive properties of organic tea, English Tea Shop introduces a serene mandala on its new packaging. This showcases how everything in the world of organic is wondrously connected on a virtuous circle of support to its tea-loving community or as they call “Prajāva”.

The new-look also emphasizes the organic label of the teas, as the company firmly believes in the concept of sustainabl­e farming and how using organic leaves helps bring better wellness benefits for its customers.

English Tea Shop is a favorite among true tea enthusiast­s for its perfect blends of organic and sustainabl­y-sourced ingredient­s that come together to produce sensationa­l brews. The brand offers a virtuous TLC or Tea Loving Care to the environmen­t, the farmers, and their customers who enjoy sipping on their refreshing and robust or soothing selections as a welcome break from the pressures of the day.

Colorful packaging reflecting Mother Nature’s beauty with a mandala design more attuned to the times

The uncertaint­y of the times calls for better self-care and English Tea Shop products, with their new Mandala labels, helps to highlight the value of wellness and balance. Taking the time to sit and sip premium tea blends in a day of busy zoom meetings is a much-needed Zen moment everyone deserves to refocus and recharge.

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