Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Explosive components seized


ZAMBOANGA CITY — Authoritie­s arrested a female resident of Jolo in Sulu province believed to be a sympathize­r or a member of the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) after they seized several explosive components used in the making of improvised explosive device in her possession.

Armed Forces of the Philippine­s-Western Mindanao Command (AFP-WesMinCom) commander Lt. Gen. Alfredo Rosario Jr. disclosed that police and military authoritie­s jointly served a search warrant against the suspect identified as Nursitta Mahalli Malud for Illegal possession of explosives at Zone 3, Barangay Tulay in Jolo.

During the search, soldiers found and seized explosive components to include one 81mm Cartridge, nine inches detonating cord, one blasting cap, 23 inches #16 stranded wire attached to the blasting cap, one 9-volt battery with snap connector, one plastic container with arming switch (15 inches #16 stranded wire loop type switch), one roll electric tape, one lighter, 15 meters nylon string and one shoulder bag.

The soldiers also found assorted identifica­tion cards, a green notebook, one black analog Samsung phone, two android Samsung phones, four sim cards, three SD cards, and assorted money remittance receipts.

“This exemplifie­s that if an operation is well-coordinate­d, it will definitely be successful. My commendati­ons to the members of the operating teams for this laudable accomplish­ment,” said Joint Task Force (JTF)-Sulu and 11th Infantry Division commander Brig. Gen. Ignatius Patrimonio.

The suspect is detained at the detention facility of Jolo Municipal Police Station, while the seized pieces of evidence were turned over to the Criminal Investigat­ion and Detection Group in Sulu for proper documentat­ion and dispositio­n.

Meanwhile, in Basilan province, an ASG member was killed during a brief shootout with soldiers at Barangay Mangal in Sumisip town.

JTF Basilan commander Brig. Gen. Domingo Gobway said soldiers responded an informatio­n by a civilian that an ASG — alias Buloy Parang — was in Barangay Mangal.

While the soldiers were approachin­g the location, alias Buloy opened fire at the soldiers which prompted the government forces to return fire, killing the suspect.

State troops recovered one cal. 45 pistol used by Alias Buloy and one anti-personnel mine.

“Alias Buloy, was an ASG under sub-leader Pasil Bayali and served as a courier and planter of anti-personnel mine in Sumisip, Basilan,” Gobway said.

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