Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Animals in a zoo


“One may liken the initial skirmishes under his presidency to animals in a zoo, where the predators could not wait to sink their teeth into power.

“Taking it all in stride, although still criticized for lack of teeth in his actions, President Marcos Jr. decided to dwell on uniting opposing forces.

If you follow feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice of harnessing the earth’s energies to ensure a smooth and harmonious flow, then you already know that 2023 is the Year of the Water Rabbit. For the Chinese, rabbits symbolize longevity and prosperity.

Who doesn’t want those? The year 2022 was ruled by the Water Tiger. The element water combined with the animal tiger means “power, courage, confidence, leadership, and strength,” according to Delia Lin from the department of Chinese Studies at Melbourne University, as quoted in ABC.

“It’s also known to be an animal that expels all evil,” the article further says.

So how was the past year for you?

For Bongbong Marcos, it certainly was a test of leadership and strength.

Faced with the difficulti­es of the present times — a pandemic, its economic backlash, and tensions in parts of the world — the 17th President of the Philippine­s initially had to contend with extreme expectatio­ns.

On one hand, there were those eager to see him fail spectacula­rly just to prove their beliefs or biases about the Marcoses right. On the other hand, there were those blindly supportive, and rabid in their defense of the Marcos scion.

Taking it all in stride, although still criticized for lack of teeth in his actions, President Marcos Jr. decided to dwell on uniting opposing forces, hoping to strengthen our much-divided nation.

One may liken the initial skirmishes under his presidency to animals in a zoo, where the predators could not wait to sink their teeth into power.

The resulting “chaos” could not be masked by a generous sprinkling of sugar. In fact, sugar made it worse. One could only sugarcoat so much — rot showed up anyway.

As we enter 2023, the Rabbit will soon hop into our midst. What sort of luck will we have as different animals in the zoo?

To this day, many are confused about feng shui. Some think it is a religion; for others, pure hogwash.

Yet fortunes have been made or broken, and feng shui can certainly find a reason for either one.

Many will likely consult Chinese geomancy to help boost their business. After all, while the outlook for this year is positive, most executives believe it will take more than a couple of years for the economy to fully recover.

The rabbit is known for its ability to procreate, so some people interpret this to mean that there will be an abundance this year.

On the political front, feng shui also has something to say: The last time it was the

Year of the Water

Rabbit was in 1963, when Ferdinand Marcos became Senate President. With Bongbong now President, feng shui master Marites Allen said this is sort of “coming full circle.”

In a recent report, Allen added: “Being a Fire Rooster born in 1957, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will have a windfall of luck and unexpected blessings. At the same time, the Rooster-born are in conflict with the Year of the Rabbit so they will have to take it easy. It is advised that they be very cautious and ensure that every step that they take is calculated in terms of financial risk and possible returns.”

Well, one can only wish him luck because, as they say, his luck is our luck, somehow.

Let’s hope certain harmful reptiles don’t join this zoo we are in.

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