Daily Tribune (Philippines)

More warships needed to boost Red Sea cargo traffic


LARISSA, Greece (AFP) — The head of an European Union (EU) force protecting cargo ships from Houthi attacks in the Red Sea on Tuesday said the operation had met its goals, but freight traffic cannot increase without more warships.

“The distances that need to be covered are huge,” Rear Admiral Vasileios Gryparis told Agence France-Presse at EU operation headquarte­rs in the central Greek city of Larissa.

“So far, because shipping is down by over 50 percent, it is possible to escort any ship that requests protection.”

“We have accompanie­d 79 ships so far and none has sustained damage whilst under our escort.”

“This is a point of reference on which we can build to increase the number of ships under protection... with the means currently at our disposal, this is not possible,” he said.

EU force’s escort ships prevent Houthi attack on 79 vessels.

Operation Aspides, named af ter the Greek word for shield, was launched by the EU in February with the goal of protecting internatio­nal shipping.

The Houthi rebels controllin­g parts of Yemen began attacking ships in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea in November, a campaign they say is intended to signal solidarity with Palestinia­ns in Gaza.

They have vowed to target Israeli, British and American ships, as well as vessels heading to Israeli ports, disrupting traffic through the vital trade route off Yemen’s coasts.

In March, the United States defense department said Houthi rebels had attacked civilian and military ships sailing off Yemen’s shores at least 50 times since their assaults began.

The attacks have sent insurance costs spiraling for vessels transiting the Red Sea and prompted many shipping firms to take the far longer passage around the southern tip of Africa instead.

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