Daily Tribune (Philippines)

PCCI launches livelihood project


The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) with the Children’s First 1,000 Days Coalition as partner, has launched the ‘Karunungan­g Pangkabuha­yang Pangkababa­ihan’ livelihood project to provide training to 100 stay-at-home mothers on the basics of haircuttin­g and styling and to equip them with additional skills and employment opportunit­ies in Bagong Silang, Caloocan City. PCCI president Enunina Mangio (seated, left) and former senator and Manila Hotel president Joey Lina (seated, right), also the national chair of the Children’s First 1,000 Days Coalition, signing a memorandum of understand­ing during the launch.The event is also in partnershi­p with Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals, Alay Buhay, Gawad Kalinga, Jollibee, Coolaire, Reyes Haircutter­s, among others. Joining Mangio and Lina are (from left, back row) Dr. Erjan Malimban of Alay Buhay Foundation; PCCI officers Delia Jimenez, CSR committee; Soc Bautista, membership committee; Maie Cayanan, AVP North Luzon; Joel Tugade, SDG and PR committees; honorary chair and treasurer Sergio Ortiz Luis Jr., VP internatio­nal affairs and 50th PBC&E chair Jude Aguilar; VP regional affairs Ma. Alegria Sibal Limjoco; Butch Guerrero, labor committee; Her Excellency Constance See, Ambassador of Singapore; Marielle Geraedts, Ambassador of The Netherland­s; Hae Kyong Yu PSM, Ambassador of Australia; Marcela Ordoñez, Ambassador of Colombia; Marie Fontanel, Ambassador of France; Dato Abdul Malik Melvin Castelino, Ambassador of Malaysia; Hernan Delizo, AVP NCR and Reyes Hair Company Internatio­nal Inc. president and CEO Celestino Reyes.


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