Daily Tribune (Philippines)

From ramen to rounds: Dr. Chen and the mom who made things possible

- BY TIZIANA CELINE PIATOS @tribunephl_tiz

The fluorescen­t lights of the hospital cast a sterile glow on Dr. Evelyn Chen’s focused face as she examines a patient. Her stethoscop­e, a familiar weight around her neck, whispers of countless checkups and diagnoses.

But behind the calm exterior lies a story etched in late nights, relentless struggle, and unwavering love — a story that begins not in a hospital ward, but in a cramped apartment many years ago.

Evelyn, a 33-year-old Filipino-American pediatrici­an based in California, never envisioned being a single mother. At 22, she was a pre-med student with dreams of becoming a children’s doctor.

However, life threw her a curveball. Unprepared for motherhood, she made the agonizing decision to put her education on hold.

“Fear clouded everything,” Chen told DAILY TRIBUNE in a Zoom call over the weekend.

“Medical school seemed like a distant fantasy, a privilege I could no longer afford,” Chen added.

Enter Maria Garcia-Chen, Evelyn’s mother. With fierce protective­ness and a heart brimming with unwavering belief, Maria took Evelyn and her newborn daughter, Lily, under her wing.

“My mama became a rock. She worked double shifts, never complainin­g, so I could stay home with Lily,” Evelyn said.

Source of emotional support

Maria’s sacrifice wasn’t just financial. She became a constant source of emotional support.

“There were days when exhaustion felt like a second skin,” Evelyn admitted. “But Mama would remind me, ‘This doesn’t have to be the end of your dreams, mija. Just a detour.’’

Lily, an observant child with eyes that mirrored Evelyn’s, seemed to absorb her mother’s passion for medicine.

Evelyn said Lily would play doctor when she was a toddler, meticulous­ly bandaging her stuffed animals. This natural inclinatio­n blossomed as Lily grew older.

Science projects became experiment­s in miniature labs, and bedtime stories morphed into tales of dedicated doctors who healed the world.

Evelyn, fueled by Lily’s enthusiasm and her own rekindled desire, decided to take a step toward her dream. She enrolled in night classes while eating instant ramen on the sides as she juggled childcare with studies.

Support system

Maria, ever the support system, stepped in to look after Lily during these evenings. The tiny apartment became a haven for late-night studying, the aroma of the ramen a familiar companion to Evelyn’s textbooks.

“It was tough,” Lily said as she joined the Zoom call. “There were times when I missed having Mom around, but seeing her so determined, so passionate, made it all worth it.”

The challenges, however, only served to strengthen their bond. “We were a team,” Lily said with pride. “Mom was studying to become a doctor, and in my own way, I was studying to be her biggest cheerleade­r.”

Evelyn’s perseveran­ce paid off. She graduated with honors, the weight of her diploma a testament to her tireless efforts.

Medical school was another hurdle, demanding long hours and immense dedication. But with Maria by her side and Lily, now a supportive teenager, cheering her on, Evelyn tackled it head-on.

Dr. Evelyn Chen, the young woman who once feared her dreams were lost, stood proudly on the graduation stage, a testament to the power of resilience and unwavering support. “It wasn’t just my achievemen­t,” she says, her voice thick with emotion. “It was ours. Mama sacrificed everything, and Lily, you were my rock. You believed in me when I doubted myself.”

‘There were days when exhaustion felt like a second skin,’ Evelyn said. ‘But Mama would remind me, ‘This doesn’t have to be the end of your dreams, mija. Just a detour.’

Beacon of hope

Today, Dr. Chen is a beacon of hope for her patients, a testament to the unwavering spirit that can overcome seemingly insurmount­able odds.

Lily, now a pre-med student herself, beams as she watches her mother in action. “Seeing Mom interact with her patients, the genuine care and empathy she exudes… it inspires me to follow in her footsteps,” she says.

Their story is a powerful reminder that dreams, even deferred, can be revived. It’s a testament to the strength found in love and the transforma­tive power of family.

It’s a story whispered in the sterile halls of the hospital, a story of ramen noodles, round-the-clock studying, and a motherdaug­hter bond that paved the way for Dr. Evelyn Chen and the countless lives she will undoubtedl­y touch.

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