Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Angara stands firm on Matatag Curriculum


Education Secretary Sonny Angara affirmed on Monday that he intends to maintain continuity in implementi­ng the Matatag Curriculum, which was initiated by his predecesso­r, former Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary and Vice President Sara Duterte.

"We really want to ensure curriculum stability. I have no plans to alter the curriculum," Angara told reporters during an impromptu interview at the DepEd central office in Pasig City's weekly flagraisin­g ceremony.

"We aim to build upon the existing framework," the DepEd chief added.

Angara confirmed that the phased rollout of the Matatag Curriculum will proceed according to schedule.

"So, we will continue piloting the Matatag Curriculum for Grades 1, 4, and 7 this year and expand to Grades 2, 3, 5, and 8 next year," he explained.

Last August, DepEd introduced the Matatag curriculum for Kinder to Grade 10. This decongeste­d basic education program emphasizes foundation­al skills in literacy, numeracy, and socioemoti­onal developmen­t during early education years. It integrates lessons on good manners and right conduct, values education, peace education, and emphasizes 21st-century skills.

Key revisions in the K to 10 program include reducing competenci­es and focusing more on literacy, numeracy, and socio-emotional skills for Kinder to Grade 3 learners.

The current curriculum encompasse­s seven competenci­es: Mother Tongue, Filipino, English, Mathematic­s, Araling Panlipunan, MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health), and Edukasyon sa Pagpapakat­ao.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH BY KING RODRIGUEZ FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE ?? DRESSMAKER­S diligently complete customer orders at their kiosks in Recto, Manila on a bustling Monday.
PHOTOGRAPH BY KING RODRIGUEZ FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE DRESSMAKER­S diligently complete customer orders at their kiosks in Recto, Manila on a bustling Monday.

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