Daily Tribune (Philippines)

2023 AARs out December 2024


Have faith in the forecast of Jesus alone. He is always right.

Why worry about Nostradamu­s, he died over 400 years ago. His forecast that Biden will win is wrong again, Biden is quitting.

Commission on Audit (CoA) chairperso­n Gamaliel A. Cordoba issued Memorandum 2024-008 on 15 July 2024 to harmonize and rationaliz­e the deadline set for the publicatio­n of annual audit reports or AARs.

The memorandum was issued under Section 99 of the General Provisions, General Appropriat­ions Act (GAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 mandating the CoA chief and the Commission’s web administra­tor to ensure that the AARs are posted on the CoA website together with the correspond­ing status reports on the action taken as submitted by the agencies before the end of the succeeding fiscal year; and that CoA shall issue a disclaimer that a particular audit observatio­n is not yet final.

The legislatio­n and CoA action were in response to the statement of Ombudsman Samuel Martires that he would want state auditors to keep findings private on 12 September 2023, when he asked Congress to strike off budget audit annual reports and not the audit observatio­n memorandum.

That day, the Ombudsman cried foul over the publicatio­n of the initial CoA’s audit observatio­n memorandum.

The following day he issued a press statement: “The Office of the Ombudsman would prefer to work quietly and away from the limelight, particular­ly when the reputation of people in the government is concerned. After all, we still operate under the Constituti­onal presumptio­n of innocence and the statutory presumptio­n that official

“The Ombudsman said he apologized to former Ombudsman, Justice Conchita Carpio Morales for not informing her that he deactivate­d the task force because he noted some legal infirmitie­s.

“The Office of the Ombudsman would prefer to work quietly and away from the limelight, particular­ly when the reputation of people in the government is concerned.

functions are regularly performed.”

That was the statement made by Ombudsman Samuel Martires about the AAR posted by the Commission on Audit on its website.

The AAR contains the various observatio­ns of the CoA concerning its inquiry into the budget utilizatio­n of the Department of Health (DoH) for fiscal year 2020.

He revealed that he ordered, motu propio, and as early as June 2020, the investigat­ion relative to the procuremen­t of test kits, PPE, and other emergency purchases; including the non-payment to “fallen health workers” and those infected by the virus; as well as the lapses and inefficien­cies that led to the rising number of deaths and infected medical frontlines.

The investigat­ion already resulted in the preventive suspension of at least five DoH officials sometime in October 2020.”

Our next step will be to review the CoA report and compare this with the findings to determine the existence of administra­tive or criminal liability about the financial transactio­ns at the DoH.

The Ombudsman stressed that their investigat­ion was also focused on determinin­g the causes of inefficien­cy or mismanagem­ent and identifyin­g areas prone to corruption, the results of which will be communicat­ed to the agency concerned and to Congress for appropriat­e legislatio­n, if necessary.

Former Ombudsman Conchita

Carpio Morales pointed to a

2017 CoA-OMB Memorandum of Agreement that created a task force composed of CoA auditors and Ombudsman investigat­ors to automatica­lly investigat­e audit observatio­ns tagged by the CoA.

The Ombudsman said he apologized to former Ombudsman, Justice Conchita Carpio Morales for not informing her that he deactivate­d the task force because he noted some legal infirmitie­s.”

Martires was referring to the anti-graft and malversati­on cases filed by former Ombudsman Carpio Morales based on an Audit Observatio­n Memorandum of the CoA. When the cases against former Congressma­n Echeverri, et al. were filed, the audit process has not yet been completed.

The accused appealed the audit observatio­ns to the Commission en banc, which overturned the findings of the auditors.

Meanwhile, the OMB criminal cases pending with the Sandiganba­yan reached the Supreme Court which, based on the decision of the Commission Proper, dismissed the cases. This forced the prosecutor­s of the Office of the Ombudsman to withdraw the other cases against Echiverri,

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