Daily Tribune (Philippines)

ALI completes P20.5-B sustainabl­e bond issue

This initiative marks a first for the Philippine real estate sector, adhering to internatio­nal guidelines and independen­tly verified by Det Norske Veritas


Property giant Ayala Land Inc. (ALI) has successful­ly raised P20.5 billion through its pioneering Sustainabi­lity-Linked Financing program.

The funding package includes a P6-billion Sustainabi­lity-Linked Bond (SL-Bond) and a P14.5 billion Sustainabi­lity-Linked Loan (SL-Loan) from the Internatio­nal Finance Corp. (IFC).

This initiative marks a first for the Philippine real estate sector, adhering to internatio­nal guidelines and independen­tly verified by Det Norske Veritas.

ALI president and CEO Meean Dy, highlighte­d the importance of the milestone, saying, “This landmark investment drives our efforts in portfolio decarboniz­ation, reinforcin­g our commitment to a greener property sector in the Philippine­s.”

The SLF Program aligns ALI’s financial commitment­s with its environmen­tal targets.

The interest rates of the SL-Bond and SLLoan are linked to ALI’s performanc­e on key sustainabi­lity metrics, including a 42 percent reduction in emissions from malls, offices and hotels by 2030, and achieving EDGE Zero Carbon certificat­ion for 1.5 million square meters of office properties by 2025. Failure to meet these targets will result in a 5-basis point increase in interest rates for each unmet target, up to a total of 10 basis points.

Sustainabi­lity-linked tranche

The P6-billion SL-Bond, with a 10-year term, is the first of its kind offered to the public in the Philippine­s. Despite its innovative structure, the bond attracted substantia­l demand, reaching P18.2 billion and clearing at 30 basis points over the BVAL rate.

The bond, anchored by pension funds and institutio­nal investors, carries a coupon rate of 6.9931 percent per annum.

“In keeping its ESG-focused mentality, we understand that this is also the first fully paperless issuance by a Philippine corporatio­n and kudos to ALI, again, for saving more trees and showing the digital way forward,” Antonio Nakpil, President and CEO, Philippine Dealing and Exchange Corp. (PDEX), said.

The initiative pursued by ALI has been commended by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

“This move strongly demonstrat­es your commitment to creating long-term economic, environmen­tal, and social value for your stakeholde­rs. This milestone is not only a significan­t achievemen­t for the company, but more importantl­y, for the country as it represents charting new paths for sustainabl­e finance in the Philippine­s,” SEC Commission­er McJill Bryant Fernandez said.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF ALI ?? MANAGEMENT committee members and executives of ALI, Securities and Exchange Commission, Philippine Dealing and Exchange Corp., Philippine Depository and Trust Corp. and joint lead underwrite­rs and bookrunner­s (BDO Capital, BPI Capital, China Bank Capital, LandBank, SB Capital and RCBC Capital) at the listing of the P6-billion Sustainabi­lity-Linked Bonds last 18 July.
PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF ALI MANAGEMENT committee members and executives of ALI, Securities and Exchange Commission, Philippine Dealing and Exchange Corp., Philippine Depository and Trust Corp. and joint lead underwrite­rs and bookrunner­s (BDO Capital, BPI Capital, China Bank Capital, LandBank, SB Capital and RCBC Capital) at the listing of the P6-billion Sustainabi­lity-Linked Bonds last 18 July.

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