Lifestyle Asia


Cut off from the pages of Manila’s widely known history, NEGROS ISLAND is host to an enchanting collection of glorious, if not epic, narratives that recall the region’s past—of the bold, the bizarre, and the beautiful


By virtue of oral tradition, epic tales of the country’s fourth largest island have been passed on from generation to generation. Pre-colonial Negrenses speak of Kanlaon, the Hiligaynon supreme deity of all creation, whose realm lies nestled on the peak of the eponymous volcano. Whether one envisions the divine being to be the wise old man archetype or the temperamen­tal goddess of myths, both interpreta­tions hold a special place in the hearts of its proud locals. An island divided, or united— whichever way you look at it, by a mountain range of old-growth forests that have served as sanctuary to many endemic wildlife creatures, it is now considered a priority conservati­on site.

A sojourn to this sanctum of sorts is an ethereal immersion, where heritage homes tell compelling tales of mystery and nature sheds light on often overlooked resplenden­ce. As history breathes new life and announces another day’s arrival, we reminisce and celebrate the worthy moments in between. The invaluable purpose of culture and the arts in bridging gaps between moments is vital in coming to terms with one’s origins. The island of Negros leaves telling landmarks, preserved by the indefatiga­ble pride of its citizens.

In an effusively cordial invitation by the local cultural committee to promote the maiden edition of the Negros Season of Culture, I embarked on a less-than-an-hour flight, away from the cacophony of Manila’s stress and traffic. The journey opened my eyes to a rich experience of the locale's culture and art.

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