Manila Bulletin

R205M allotted for UP faculty members’ promotion


The University of the Philippine­s (UP) is allotting around R 205 million for the promotion of its deserving faculty members and employees.

In a recent meeting, the UP Board of Regents ( BOR) approved the promotion of 56 percent of its faculty members or 2,228 out of 3,974. A total of 5,850 of the 6,560 or 74% of its administra­tive personnel were also promoted. Both promotions apply to all faculty members and employees in the whole university system.

In a statement, President and BOR Co- Chairperso­n Alfredo Pascual said that the approved promotion system has the “highest amount and widest coverage” in the history of the UP system.

“I am happy that the promise I made during my investitur­e in 2011, to reward meritocrac­y and excellent performanc­e, has finally been fulfilled,” he explained.

Since July this year, the promotion process has been in motion after Pascual issued a call for promotion to the UP Diliman, UP Los Baños, UP Manila, UP Baguio, UP Visayas, UP Cebu, UP Mindanao and Open University. Around 70 percent of UP faculty and staff are expected to benefit from this approved promotion which is retroactiv­e to January 1, 2014.

Data from Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs showed that newest round of promotion moved most faculty members upwards in the academic ladder. The number of instructor­s decreased from 373 to 221, assistant professors from 904 to 865 and associate professors from 607 to 556.

Meanwhile, the number of faculty members occupying the highest academic rank possible in the university or full professor significan­tly increased from 344 to 588.

The so- called “sagad” employees or those who can no longer be promoted and have reached the last step increment, will be given an additional one- time compensati­on instead of merit promotion.

Full professors will receive a total of R30,000 while “sagad” associate and assistant professors will be given R12,000. Administra­tive personnel who are also categorize­d in the “sagad” level will be given R12,000 in this latest promotion.

“The UP promotion is a good sign that the Aquino administra­tion recognizes the importance of public higher education in the country,” said House Committee on Higher Education Chair Roman Romulo, who has been aggressive­ly pushing for higher salaries in state universiti­es and colleges. Thus, some UP faculty members will be receiving as high as 10 steps in merit promotions.

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