Manila Bulletin

House to focus on priority measures as sessions resume


The legislativ­e mill will keep grinding until Congress adjourns for Christmas holidays on Dec. 17 as the House of Representa­tives is seeking to ensure the ratificati­on of the 2015 2.606-trillion General Appropriat­ions Bill (GAB) as well as the plenary considerat­ion of the economic charter change (Cha-cha) resolution, the anti-political dynasty bill and the committee report junking the impeachmen­t complaints against President Aquino.

Speaker Feliciano “Sonny” Belmonte Jr. said they are targeting to approve significan­t measures before the 15-session days lapse on Dec. 17.

He said the ratificati­on of the 2015 national budget will be prioritize­d, as well as the passage of the joint resolution granting President Aquino emergency powers to deal with the projected power shortfall and the deliberati­ons of the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law and the House Committee on Justice’s report dismissing the three impeachmen­t complaints against Mr. Aquino.

“We are so busy to deliberate all these measures,” Belmonte said as Congress resumes sessions today following the Halloween break.

Iloilo Rep. Niel Tupas Jr., chairman of the House Committee on Justice, assured the plenary voting on his panel’s report junking President Aquino’s ouster will take place on or before Congress adjourns for Christmas break.

“The committee report dismissing the impeachmen­t against the President will be acted upon by the plenary when Congress resumes session (Monday) or at the latest before Congress adjourns for the Christmas break,” he said.

At least 98 lawmakers have to vote against the committee report to overturn the Tupas panel’s decision to kill the three ouster complaints last September 2.

House Majority Leader and Mandaluyon­g City Rep. Neptali “Boyet” Gonzales II assured that they would find time to tackle Belmonte’s Resolution of Both Houses No. 1 or the economic Cha-cha and House Bill (HB) No. 3587 or an Act Prohibitin­g the Establishm­ent of Political Dynasties

The two measures are both pending for plenary discussion­s.

Gonzales earlier cited the possibilit­y that the House could pass Belmonte’s resolution this year.

Meantime, The House Committee on Ways and Means will prioritize the approval of the proposal modernizin­g the Bureau of Customs and the fiscal incentives rationaliz­ation bill before passing the measure seeking to lower individual and corporate income tax rates.

Marikina Rep. Miro Quimbo, the panel chairman said they are targeting to approve the two measures during the 15-session days before Congress adjourns for Christmas holidays on December 17.

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