Manila Bulletin

Magalong: Aquino did not violate chain of command; he just bypassed it


Director Benjamin Magalong, the head of the Philippine National Police-Board of Inquiry (PNP-BOI), yesterday denied clearing President Aquino of any wrongdoing in the Mamasapano operations.

While he said that the President did not violate the PNP chain of

command, Magalong stressed that the Chief Executive bypassed it.

“The President is not part of…. the establishe­d chain of command of the PNP. If you will read the 2013 fundamenta­l doctrine of the PNP, it’s very clear that the chain of command starts with the Chief, PNP. The President is not part of that so what’s his liability there? Nothing,” Magalong explained. But Magalong, the chief of the PNP Criminal Investigat­ion and Detection Group (CIDG), said the President bypassed the chain of command when he directly dealt with then SAF commander, Director Getulio Napeñas.

“We just stated the fact that the President exercised his prerogativ­e which is true… kaya lang he bypassed the chain of command. He dealt directly with Napeñas,” said Magalong.

“Now, based on the establishe­d standard, tama ba ‘yan? Kayo na ang maghusga. Nag-state lang kami ng fact,” Magalong said.

Magalong issued the clarificat­ion following the BOI’s meeting with President Aquino last Tuesday. But he stressed that the meeting does not and will not affect their report on the Mamasapano incident.

“I stand by our word na hindi namin pinapalita­n yung conclusion­s namin, yung findings namin doon sa BOI report,” Magalong told reporters at Camp Crame.

He emphasized that their meeting with the President “does not at all affect their report on the Mamasapano incident.”

Present in that meeting were Interior and Local Government Secretary Mar Roxas, Justice Secretary Leila De Lima, PNP officer-in-charge Deputy Director General Leonardo Espina, Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa, and BOI member Chief Supt. John Sosito.

According to Magalong, among the contentiou­s issues raised by the President during the meeting was the matter of coordinati­on prior to the implementa­tion of the January 25 SAF operation, dubbed “Oplan Exodus.”

Magalong even described the meeting as “very straightfo­rward,” “free flowing,” and “no-holds barred.”

“Unang-una walang nabago sa ating resulta ng ating imbestigas­yon (First of all nothing has changed in the result of our investigat­ion),” Magalong said, adding that he spoke about their meeting with the President because he wants to be truthful.

“But will it change the outcome, the conclusion­s of our BOI report? It does not. We will stand by it. We stood our ground,” he said.

“Pinayagan niya (President) ako na magtanong sa kanya at very straightfo­rward yung discussion pero kung iniisip ninyo na… papalitan ko na yung result ng imbestigas­yon dahil nagkaroon kami ng meeting, I did not,” said Magalong.

Admitting that he was hurt by published reports, saying he has cleared the President of any liability in the Mamasapano, Magalong said: “It doesn’t give justice to those people who helped us come up with that report and the investigat­ion.”

“We already sacrificed our personal ambitions here… We are no longer thinking of our careers here. We have to set aside our personal ambitions para lang maging objective kami dito because we owe the public, we owe SAF44, we owe those SAF families na mabigyan ng hustisya yung kanilang mga namatay na miyembro,” he further stated.


Meanwhile, Presidenti­al Communicat­ions Operations Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. acknowledg­es that the BOI report on the tragic Mamasapano incident is already “final” and does not expect any change in the report even after President Aquino summoned police officials to Malacañang Tuesday.

“This is an independen­t undertakin­g of the Philippine National Police (PNP). Many have observed its independen­t and objective fact-finding report. And like I said, it is already final as it is. It’s a matter of public record,” Coloma said in a press briefing.

Coloma said it is now up to the concerned government agencies to use the BOI report to pursue further investigat­ion against individual­s involved in the Mamasapano clash.

“The BOI has certain recommenda­tions and the concerned government agencies to use this as basis for further gathering of informatio­n and case buildup. In other words, the responsibl­e government agencies can already pick up from where the BOI report left off,” he added.

Coloma made the remarks to dispel speculatio­ns that the President supposedly tried to influence the outcome of the police investigat­ion following a recent meeting with the BOI head Police Director Benjamin Magalong and other police officials in the Palace.

The President gave his side of the Mamasapano operation in a bid to clarify certain findings of the BOI report during the meeting. Aquino reportedly took offense at the BOI findings that he violated PNP chain of command and allowed a suspended official to participat­e in the operation.

Coloma said there was “no animosity or hostility” during the meeting with the police investigat­ors.

“It was a cordial and frank exchange of views. One of the descriptio­ns mentioned by Director Tagalong was it was a no-holds barred meaning they were able to freely ask the President,” he said.

The President reportedly complained of not being given the courtesy to give his side.

Magalong said the BOI coursed the request to speak with Aquino through Interior Secretary Mar Roxas. The Cabinet secretary supposedly forgot to inform the President about the BOI request due to too much work.

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