Manila Bulletin

‘War of the Presidenti­ables’ is on



‘ war’ among “presidenti­ables” for 2016 quietly rages amidst the Mamasapano controvers­y and related political noise.

There they go, ready to rise or fall. Arangkada na sila!


Pulse Asia survey says that several names are making it to the ”presidenti­ables’ list,” adding excitement as the October filing of candidacy comes closer.

Big names and early birds are emerging. Expect the Racuyals Atbp to follow.


Vice President Jejomar C. Binay, despite the corruption charges filed against him and members of his family, remains the strongest presidenti­al candidate for 2016, says Pulse Asia.

Pulse says Rambotito is No. 1 political survivor.


Pulse survey conducted March 1-7, 2015, shows that Binay stands with 29 percent, up by 3 percent from his 26 percent rating last November.

VPNay is climbing up despite the weight of the sink and “uling” thrown at him.


Sen. Grace Poe retains the No. 2 spot, although her voter preference rating dropped from 18 percent to 14 percent.

Poe maintains her grace. Let’s watch how her Mamasa- panaw inquiry and “massacre” findings would sink in.


Former President and now Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada inches higher with 12 percent, from 10 percent last quarter.

Durable Erap could still climb up-despite an earlier political arthritis.


Likewise, Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, who was included in the survey for the first time, also has 12 percent.

The Tough Rudy Experiment seems to be working. “Tabi- tabi kayo!” he could be saying.


Also in the list of “presidenti­ables” are Senators Miriam Defensor Santiago, 9 percent; and Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., 6 percent.

Miriam has Wind and Fire vs “stupids” while Bongbong has Solid North as base.


Interior Secretary Manuel “Mar” Roxas II, Liberal Party’s sentimenta­l choice, only has 4 percent.

Ruling party’s fair-haired boy looks marred? His supporters could be asking “Mama, papano?”


Sen. Francis “Chiz” Escudero also enjoys a 4 percent rating, Pulse says.

Chiz doesn’t look hurt. He has a

new Heart.


Other “presidenti­ables” have the following ranking: Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano, 3 percent; Antonio “Sonny” Trillanes IV, 2 percent; former senator and rehab czar Panfilo “Ping” Lacson, 1 percent; and Philippine Red Cross Chairman Richard “Dick” Gordon, 1 percent.

Expect more interestin­g names to join the 2016 presidenti­al bandwagon.


Meanwhile, Malacañang says it is not worried that President Aquino’s approval rating of 59 percent last November plummeted to 38 percent in March while his trust rating plunged from 56 percent to 36 percent .

Pulse Asia survey serves as wakeup call for Palace Boys.


Presidenti­al Communicat­ions Operations Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. says Malacañang will continue to make people understand the events related to the ill-fated Mamasapano operation that got internatio­nal bomber Marwan but killed 44 SAF soldiers.

Explain better or… just move on.


“We are determined to work even harder to continuall­y earn our people’s trust and confidence,” Coloma adds in a press briefing.

Yes, better reconcile with the” bosses,” drive away detractors, and campaign for your boys.

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