Manila Bulletin

Leader of banned sectarian group, 13 others killed by Pakistani police


LAHORE, PAKISTAN (Reuters) — Pakistani police killed the leader of the sectarian militant group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, his two sons and 11 others on Wednesday in a shootout after gunmen attacked a police convoy and freed him as he was being moved, police said.

Malik Ishaq was on a US list of terrorists and the group he founded has claimed responsibi­lity for the deaths of hundreds of civilians, mostly minority Shi’ite Muslims.

He has faced several murder trials but always been acquitted after witnesses refused to testify. He was arrested again on Saturday, under a public order act, along with his two sons.

On Tuesday, police took Ishaq and the sons to an area near the Punjab province town of Muzaffarga­rh where they had seized an arms cache, to identify men they had detained on suspicion of being members of Ishaq’s group.

As the police convoy returned in the early hours of Wednesday, a group of men on motorcycle­s ambushed them, freeing Ishaq and his two sons, police said.

“Twelve to 15 terrorists attacked the police party... freed the accused and fled away on motorcycle­s,” a police spokeswoma­n, Nabila Ghazanfar, quoted a policeman in the area as saying in a message.

Police further along the road attacked the gunmen as they were fleeing, killing Ishaq, his two sons, and 11 others, Ghazanfar cited the policemen as saying in her message. Six police were wounded, he said. “The accused, in custody, were under investigat­ion for murder of dozens of people in target killings,” the policeman said.

“The gang was also in league with the (Taliban) and al Qaeda groups operating in the area.”

The circumstan­ces of Ishaq’s killing are bound to raise questions given a long police record of staging such encounters to eliminate suspects.

One senior police investigat­or not involved in this case, said police often staged such clashes as they did not have faith the courts would be brave enough to convict high-profile militants for fear of retaliatio­n.

The investigat­or, who declined to be identified, said Ishaq’s killing bore the hallmarks of police action under a National Action Plan (NAP) against militancy, launched last December after Pakistani Taliban militants killed 134 students at an army-run school in the city of Peshawar.

“This is NAP in action,” the investigat­or said. “State policy on this is indiscrimi­nate and broad-based: terrorists will not be tolerated, no matter who they are or what group they belong to.”

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