Manila Bulletin

Feast of Saint Augustine


TODAY, the Catholic Church remembers a great doctor of the Church, Saint Augustine. He was born in Tagaste, in what is now Algeria in North Africa, on November 13, 354. His father, Patricius, was a pagan; his mother, Monica, a devout Christian, who later became saint as well. As a young boy, Augustine received a good Christian education but was influenced by the Manicheans, to the deep regret of his mother. He left his home country for Rome, deceiving his poor mother, who wanted to be by his side. He spent many years of his life in wicked living and in false beliefs.

It was through the persistent prayers of his mother and the preaching of St. Ambrose, that Augustine finally became convinced to return to the fold of Christiani­ty. He returned to Tagaste. There, he regularly prayed and attended Mass with his mother, gave gifts to the poor, and helped those who are sick. In 391, Augustine was ordained priest of Hippo, and in 394 he was appointed coadjutor to bishop Valerius, and then from 396 to 430, he was named bishop of Hippo.

Augustine has greatly influenced the life of the Church during his time and until today through his teachings. Then and now, Saint Augustine is also the Church’s most influentia­l theologian, especially with regard to clarifying the dogmas of the Trinity, grace, and the Church. His Confession­s, a book continues to inspire countless men and women who desire to follow Jesus Christ amidst daily struggles and confusions along the way. He founded a religious congregati­on which eventually was named after him.

As we celebrate the feast of Saint Augustine, we reflect on God’s never-ending love and mercy. In spite of our turning our backs from him, he seeks after us. He is a good of second chances. He is a good of limitless love. Saint Augustine’s life is a testimony to this profound goodness of the Lord. Today, we are filled with joy and hope as we come to realize that we have a God of mercy and compassion. May Saint Augustine’s life remind us that it is never too late to respond to the love of God.

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