Manila Bulletin

DOH issues caveat on antibiotic­s use


Antibiotic­s will do more harm than good if misused since it will generate deadlier kinds of diseases, the Department of Health (DOH) said.

In a new three-minute video ad, DOH spokespers­on Lyndon Lee Suy reminded the public against indiscrimi­nate use of antibiotic­s.

He said antibiotic­s misuse could create diseases with antimicrob­ial resistance (AMR), making one immune against existing antibiotic­s.

"If this happens, the disease will easily get worse and even lead to death," Lee Suy said.

To avoid this, he urged patients not to self-medicate and consult medical experts before taking any drugs.

"No to abuse and misuse of antibiotic­s,” Lee Suy stressed. “Consult a doctor first when using antibiotic­s.”

The DOH video ad is focused against the misconcept­ion that antibiotic­s work against cough and colds. Both common diseases, the ad stresses, tend to be naturally cured and are unaffected by antibiotic­s.

The DOH issued the latest advisory amid a growing number of AMR diseases worldwide.

Last year, the World Health Organizati­on (WHO) declared AMR disease as one of the major threats to public health.

In Southeast Asia, which includes the Philippine­s, it reported the emergence of strains of E. coli, a bacteria which causes food poisoning, and Staphyloco­ccus aureus, a bacteria which causes skin, respirator­y infection, which are resistant to common antibiotic­s.

This year, WHO urged its member countries to monitor AMR trends within their areas and intensify public awareness campaign against wrong practices, which causes it.

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