Manila Bulletin

Vatican denies Pope Francis has brain tumor


VATICAN CITY (AFP) – The Vatican on Wednesday dismissed a report that Pope Francis has a brain tumor as baseless, with a spokesman challengin­g anyone who thinks the pontiff is seriously ill to try keeping up with him.

Quotidiano Nazionale (QN), the newspaper which made the claim, said it stood by its story that a “small dark spot” had been detected on the 78-yearold pontiff’s brain several months ago.

The paper said it was discovered by Japanese neurosurge­on Takanori Fukushima, a world expert on skull base tumors who is partly based at the San Rossore di Barbaricin­a clinic near Pisa in central Italy.

According to the report, the professor and a medical team were flown by helicopter to the Vatican to examine Francis and concluded that the tumor was treatable without surgery.

Quotidiano based its story largely on the supposed account of a nurse at the clinic who reportedly saw medical notes under Francis’s real name, Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

But Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi, insisted the claims were baseless – and that he had checked them with the Pope himself.

“I can confirm that no Japanese doctor came to the Vatican to see the pope and there were no examinatio­ns of the type indicated in the article,” he told hundreds of journalist­s in an unusually well-attended Vatican press briefing.

He repeated an early condemnati­on of the report as “an irresponsi­ble act that was completely unjustifie­d and unspeakabl­e.”

Clearly exasperate­d, the Vatican media chief resorted to irony to get his message across.

“If you had to run after him during his overseas trips, you’d know,” (he is in good health), Lombardi said.

“He does have some problems with his legs but the head seems to me to be working absolutely perfectly.”

‘Not long to live’ Fukushima did meet Pope Francis but it was in October 2014, according to a post on the surgeon’s Japanese blog, which does not indicate any profession­al connection.

Andrea Cangini, the director of Quotidiano, said he had anticipate­d the Vatican reaction.

“This denial is understand­able and to be expected,” he said. “We waited a long time before publishing the report in order to carry out every possible check. We don’t have the slightest doubt that it is founded.”

Pope Francis has maintained an intense work schedule throughout his two and a half years in the Vatican, eschewing the long summer breaks enjoyed by many of his predecesso­rs.

He has looked extremely weary at times and in several interviews he has made reference, sometimes lightheart­edly, to an apparent belief that he only has a few years to live.

At his weekly audience on Wednesday, the Pope looked cheerful but also pale and tired as he made comments touching on the theme of failing health.

Recalling how one of his predecesso­rs, John Paul II, had remained at the head of the Church until his death in 2005 despite suffering from Parkinson’s disease, the Pope said sick people should follow his example and “bear with joy the cross of suffering as he (John Paul II) taught us.”

Despite fatigue and a constant battle with sciatica, Francis shows no sign of slowing down.

His recent nine-day trip to Cuba and the United States was one of the most gruelling yet and he is preparing for a five-day visit to Kenya, Uganda and the conflict-torn Central African Republic at the end of November.

There has also been no sign of his intellectu­al energy diminishin­g as he has participat­ed in an ongoing synod of clerics which has seen his vision of how Church teaching on issues such as divorce and homosexual­ity should evolve meet with resistance from conservati­ves.

Vatican expert Iacopo Scaramuzzi said the scare story about the Pope’s health could be related to tensions in the church at a time when allegation­s of Machiavell­ian skulldugge­ry abound.

“The timing of this news, exactly when a turbulent synod is concluding, is curious,” he told AFP. “What is striking is that the article does not clearly reveal its sources and the Vatican has made such a vehement denial.”

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