Manila Bulletin

Lumad caravan arrives in Manila; Gov’t asked anew to curb killings


Supporters from different sectors and organizati­ons yesterday welcomed and joined more than 700 Lumads or indigenous people (IP) from Mindanao who took part in the Manilakbay­an ng Mindanao 2015 caravan to further dramatize their unified call to defend their people, schools, and communitie­s and put an end to the killing and harassment of Lumads in the region.

Jumorito Goaynon, Manilakbay­an ng Mindanao 2015 spokesman, said that their cry to end the militariza­tion in Lumad communitie­s only fell on deaf ears.

“Killings have only been more rampant now that our voices have amplified more in the island. In this case, we are forced to go to the main clout of state power: to forward it directly to Malacañang,” he said.

Contingent­s of the Manilakbay­an caravan converged in Mendiola for a short program bearing the call to end militariza­tion and human rights violations in Mindanao before heading to University of the Philippine­s – Diliman where they will camp out from Oct. 26 to 31.

As early as 9 a.m. yesterday, different youth groups picketed in front of the Philippine General Hospital and University of the Philippine­s Manila as they waited for the arrival of the Manilakbay­an contingent­s from the Baclaran area.

The contingent­s, joined by youth groups, then continued their march towards the Bonifacio Shrine in front of the Manila City Hall where they were greeted by more supporters.

The gathering of delegation­s from Mindanao, Southern Tagalog, Bicol, and the National Capital Region at the Bonifcaio Shrine, however, snarled traffic at the north-bound lane of Padre Burgos Street in the afternoon.

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