Manila Bulletin



most parts of the world. Did you know, however that rice is not only consumed in China, but is also used for the skin and hair, too? It has been a common practice among Chinese women to bathe and wash in the water used for rinsing rice. Apparently, science says it’s true. Rice water contains inositol, a carbohydra­te that repairs and protects damaged hair, even long after rinsing. According to a study in Japan last 2010, rice water decreases hair surface friction and improves hair elasticity. Fermented rice water even offers better benefits, with antioxidan­ts, amino acids, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and pitera, the latest anti-aging ingredient that promotes cell renewal. When used as a cleanser, toner, or hair rinse, fermented rice water can calm the skin, and restore the hair to its natural, healthy state. Try a hair rinse with rice water by letting two cups of water soak in a half cup of rice for 10 to 15 minutes, strain the water, and your hair rinse is ready! You may also ferment the rice water by leaving it at room temperatur­e for a day or until it turns sour. Boil it afterward to stop the fermentati­on process and let it cool. You may use the rice water as a last rinse after once or twice a week, or use it as a skin toner after washing your face. Don’t throw the rice granules either, as you can make it a natural body scrub when mixed with essential oils.

Turmeric in India. Turmeric is a popular spice in eastern countries. Not only does it add flavor and color to a lot of dishes, it also has a number of wonderful skin benefits. Who knew that this common spice is also a beauty secret in India? For centuries, Indian women have been using turmeric as a face mask since it was believed to treat acne and heal acne scars, reduces inflammati­on in eczema, and even softens the appearance of fine lines. True enough, curcumin, the substance that gives turmeric its yellow color, is a powerful antioxidan­t that is antiinflam­matory, antiviral, and antibacter­ial, which makes this spice indeed a powerhouse of skin benefits. To make a turmeric face mask, just mix a few tablespoon­s of turmeric with honey, yogurt, and milk into a paste. Other combinatio­ns include turmeric and coconut oil (for oily skin), turmeric with milk powder and water (for dry skin), or turmeric with oatmeal and water (for acne-prone skin). If you are planning to try a turmeric mask, make sure to wear old clothes as the spice may stain them. Your face may look slightly yellowish after the mask, but a few washes will remove it completely.

Cold showers in France. As comfortabl­e and soothing as a hot shower can be, French women choose to take cold showers instead. Why? Cold showers have been proven to have a lot more health benefits than using a heater in the shower! Taking a cold shower tightens the pores by constricti­ng blood flow and enhancing the circulatio­n. Unlike hot water, it does not strip the skin’s natural oils therefore, keeping the skin hydrated and soft. Try a cold shower for a few weeks and see if it does wonders for your skin. Have a warm shower first to remove impurities, and then finish with a fast fiveminute rinse with cold water. This imme-

Grapes in Chile. We all know that grapes make good wine, and that this super fruit is an excellent source of Vitamin C and antioxidan­ts, including flavanoids, tannins, and resveratro­l. As an ingredient, the resveratro­l found in grapes is currently being used in a number of anti-aging products because of its ability to reduce redness caused by sunburn, thus minimizing damage to skin cells. Maybe Chilean women knew this all along, since they have been making grape masks for years! Make your own by mashing grapes and mixing it with flour (also an effective skin treatment that has anti-inflammato­ry properties).

Garlic in Dominican Republic.

Garlic for the nails? Well, Dominican women swear by it. It contains sulphur, zinc, selenium, and Allicin (which has anti-fungal and skin-protective benefits). They believe applying garlic extract on the nails with a cotton ball will make the nails stronger and healthier in weeks.

These are only a few of the best kept beauty secrets from around the world. Since these are natural, there is no harm in trying them yourself. The skin, however, responds differentl­y, so expect different results, too. What may be effective to one may not be effective to another. To be on the safe side, it is always better consult your skin care expert before trying any skin treatment.

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