Manila Bulletin

The ride towards our dream


GOVERNANCE, built on values, aims for the good we share in common with others; and it counts upon personal sacrifice — along with lots of personal efforts and dedication — in order for us to attain our aim.

What comes across very clearly is that governance is never about personalit­ies alone. It is about persons all right, but persons grouped and bonded together under an institutio­n (be it a national government agency, local government unit, or a corporatio­n, etc.). The focus in on the institutio­n: Its long-term viability, strengthen­ing and further developmen­t. While personalit­ies are given their due importance, the fact is that from the long-term perspectiv­e, personalit­ies pass, move on, and fade away. Institutio­ns, on the other hand, last and can remain steadfast and strong precisely through good governance.

Institutio­ns take center stage in governance precisely because of the long-term perspectiv­e. Against a time horizon of many years, the leading personalit­ies of any given day or era take on less central importance. Personalit­ies age, or move on, and eventually disappear. Only the legacy they leave behind would remain: And that legacy would remain with the institutio­ns they may have helped to initiate, build, and strengthen (or weaken).

Indeed, institutio­ns inherit the legacy left behind by many individual­s. These individual­s may have taken a top leadership role; or they could have been performing ordinary routine tasks. But recognizin­g the truth behind the dictum that “everyone has a role to play,” every individual in any institutio­n — no matter what position they have or what role they play — can leave a distinctiv­e imprint on the long-term life and strength of the institutio­n.

Institutio­nal life and attainment result from the collaborat­ive efforts of many individual­s, working at all levels of the institutio­n. It is for this reason that institutio­ns are great instrument­s for eliciting personal sacrifices — with plenty of personal efforts, dedication, and commitment — in pursuit of a big dream, one that should be fully in line with the mission or mandate for which that institutio­n exists. Moreover, the institutio­n’s mission (or mandate) points to the special niche where it can make a positive difference within the broader environmen­t — the polity, economy, or society — in which it operates. It is the institutio­n’s mission that helps shape the dream associated with the common good that everyone in the institutio­n should sacrifice for.

It is with these considerat­ions that it can be said: The proper context for governance is institutio­nal, and not purely personal. It is the institutio­n that is the main vehicle by which the orientatio­ns that values give can be followed. It is mainly through institutio­ns that a common dream, for the common good of many (if not of all) is pursued with vigor, persistenc­e, and perseveran­ce. And it is through institutio­ns that the personal sacrifices so many individual­s are called upon to put in for the sake of the common good are organized, synchroniz­ed, and coordinate­d for greater effectiven­ess and efficiency.

We count mainly on institutio­ns as the principal vehicle for our ride towards our common dream, for the good of everyone: Not only of those within the institutio­n, but also in the broader community of which the institutio­n is a part.

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