Manila Bulletin

Still in US, PNoy shifts to campaign mode


LOS ANGELES, California — After completing a hectic work schedule, President Aquino shifted to campaign mode endorsing the administra­tion’s presidenti­al team in a meeting with Filipino community here.

In a combative tone, the President also seized the chance to take a swipe at his detractors, including opposition candidates who are pushing for the Social Security System (SSS) pension hike just to earn “brownie points” from voters.

Aquino’s meeting with the Filipinos living in Los Angeles was his final engagement before flying back home to Manila on Friday.

“The elections in the Philippine­s are forthcomin­g. I am really eager because we can further cement the straight path and make permanent the changes we have achieved,” Aquino said in his remarks delivered in Filipino.

“If you will ask me, it is clear who has proven to have made sacrifices: They are Mar Roxas and Leni Robredo,” he added.

When he assumed office in 2010, Aquino said they started not just from “zero but even negative.” With the reforms implemente­d by his administra­tion, he said the country eventually attained a “very positive” position, citing strong economic growth, prosecutio­n of corrupt officials, improved social services, among others.

The challenge today, Aquino said, is how to ensure the accomplish­ments attained in the past five years would be continued and expanded.

In this regard, he challenged the Filipino community in the US to rally behind the administra­tion candidates, even encouragin­g them to convince their relatives back home to make the same vote.

Aquino said he believes that people would not allow the country’s accomplish­ments go to waste if treacherou­s and abusive people are elected into office.

“If we will elect the right leaders, the reforms we initiated will continue. If we vote for those who are dishonest, we will certainly return to the old crooked ways,” Aquino said.

Aquino also warned the public about the desperate attempts of some candidates to win their votes in the upcoming polls.

For instance, Aquino said some candidates have pushed for the approval of higher SSS pension despite the risk of financial ruin of the pension agency.

“The problem is what was promised cannot be sustained. At present, the fund life of the SSS will reach 2042. If the increase will be pushed by those trying to earn brownie points, the life will be reduced by 15 years. What will happen to the benefits of those who have not yet retired?,” Aquino said.

Pushing BBL Earlier, Aquino also said he is counting on his successor to pursue the passage of the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) after a failed bid under his watch.

The President said he expects the next president to make the approval of the BBL as his/her first agenda in a bid to protect the gains of the peace process.

And since his government has laid down the groundwork for peace in Mindanao, Aquino said there is no more excuse for the next administra­tion not push for the peace initiative in Congress.

“Unlike us, the next administra­tion will not start from scratch. We will start with concrete agreements and just try to perfect the law. I think whoever replaces me will make this the first agenda,” Aquino said in a recent media interview.

“And if others would like to create their own law, that’s the system. But there is no more excuse if the law is not passed during the next administra­tion,” he added.

Pending the passage of the BBL, the President said he has ordered authoritie­s to maximize the delivery of “peace dividends” in the remainder of his term. Aquino said these peace dividends include social services and other projects aimed at helping Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) fighters to become productive citizens.

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