Manila Bulletin

Objective or target

- By FR. EMETERIO BARCELON, SJ <emeterio_barcelon@yahoo. com>

IN any enterprise it is important to have a clear objective. Over time, refining of these objectives is necessary. Let us take for example the enterprise of choosing among the presidenti­al candidates or for any other office in the government at this time. You may want to choose the candidate who is most worthy. So you look at his characteri­stics. Is he honest? Is he hard- working, effective? Is he jolly, friendly, and any other trait that should shine in the best candidate for you? This is what you call the trait system of judging leadership.

But you may want to calibrate the suitabilit­y of the candidates by the further objectives you may have. You may have an excellent candidate but you may want to measure his suitabilit­y to farther objectives as for example: Would he promote the best in lifting this country out of poverty? Or would he promote what should be the economic good of the majority? Defining first the objectives of an enterprise is critical to success. What then do we want in this enterprise of electing candidates to the presidency and to other offices at stake in these elections?

As you know, no candidate is perfect or an angel. In fact the saying is that in politics, it is the choice of the lesser evil. You may have a candidate who is tainted with corruption but he is more effective in getting the most in the overall good. You may have a candidate who is sickly and probably may not finish the term, but the vice president who will succeed him will be just as good. You may have a candidate who is a bit uncouth but is effective in getting excellent peace and order. You may choose a candidate who has impeccable credential­s but ineffectiv­e or tainted with bad luck. Or you may want a hardworkin­g and very approachab­le but not seasoned enough candidate to withstand the pressures.

Beyond these traits, what are you looking for – the fight against corruption, the effort at peace and order, economic prosperity, the fight against poverty, the perfect country on earth? You have to decide these first before you can make an intelligen­t choice.

The reverse is also important. If you have set objectives, then you look for ingredient­s that will lead to the fulfillmen­t of those objectives. For example the objective of the developmen­t of Mindanao which will lead to the enhancemen­t of the country’s progress – then regular power source will be critical. The big hydros of the Agus River were formerly thought to provide enough power for Mindanao. As it turned out, the developmen­t of Mindanao fast- tracked so that it is no longer enough. Coal sources have recently sprouted up but hydro and solar will have to be harnessed for the future.

Once power is available, then local manufactur­ing and large- scale mining can progress. Right now the power, even with the coal plants, are just enough for residentia­l consumptio­n and the existing manufactur­ing plants. With enough power enough industrial­ization will materializ­e.

Then there should be enough jobs for everyone in Mindanao. Although Mindanao is an agricultur­al base, this will not be enough. We need manufactur­ing which should blossom once enough cheap power is available. The only thing that has to be considered is what the negative effects are. Are such ingredient­s towards attaining the objective for Mindanao developmen­t?

To summarize, in any enterprise there should be clear objectives, and measures towards the objectives and whether the ingredient­s are enough to attain the objectives.

Finally consider any negative potential effects of such objectives and measures. This should be enough to make for success of the enterprise.

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