Manila Bulletin

A digital upgrade to stethoscop­es


It was French physician, René Laennec, who invented the means for our doctors to listen in the delicate internal clockwork of our body. The year was 1816. A woman suffering from symptoms related to heart disease consulted Leannec; but the physician had a hard time assessing her condition by convention­al methods at the time. He felt very uncomforta­ble placing his ear on women’s chests. Checkup via percussion (a clinical examinatio­n done by tapping and taking note of the resulting sound) also proved ineffectiv­e due to the patient’s great degree of fatness—as Laennec put it in his classic treatise published in 1819 called “De l'Auscultati­on Médiate” (On Mediate Auscultati­on). He was then struck with inspiratio­n on how to proceed and writes, “I rolled a quire of paper into a kind of cylinder and applied one end of it to the region of the heart and the other to my ear, and was not a little surprised and pleased to find that I could thereby perceive the action of the heart in a manner much more clear and distinct than I had ever been able to do by the immediate applicatio­n of my ear.” And so the first Stethoscop­e (from “stethos” meaning chest, and “skopos” meaning examinatio­n) was conceived.

The initial design of the device looked very much like an Ear Trumpet, a common hearing aid back in the 17th century. The Stethoscop­e then was tubular in shape where it funnels out at one end while the other is placed in the ear for listening. It has evolved throughout the years to become binaural (hearing with both ears), flexible, two-sided (one for the respirator­y system, the other for the cardiovasc­ular system), and external noise reducing. Now another innovation has just been made with Eko Core, the Stethoscop­e’s award winning, FDA-approved, user-friendly gateway to the digital world.

As presented in the product homepage at, the Eko Core is an electronic add- on that wirelessly transmits sound received by a stethoscop­e to your smart devices via Bluetooth. It works best with Littman Cardiology III style stethoscop­es and is compatible with most except Double Tubed models. The app (available only at Apple Store as of this writing) allows the user to record and visualize waveforms in real time. It is also capable of 7 volume amplificat­ion levels and audio filtering in digital mode, covering hard to hear cardiac murmurs and lung sounds without the distractio­n of ambient noise. A one-click EHR (Electronic Health Record) integratio­n is also featured to better organize patients and recordings, along with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portabilit­y and Accountabi­lity Act) compliant storage for any illegal breach of privacy.

In addition, logging on to the dashboard will allow clinicians the use of digital auscultati­on tools, complement­ing the skill needed to decipher the internal sounds made by our circulator­y, respirator­y, and gastrointe­stinal systems. The site will also allow access to live-streamed heart sounds, pre-recorded samples, real-time notes, and chat functions for digital second opinions.

Other hardware attributes include a moisture resistant frame for easy cleaning, and a 9- hour average battery life—equivalent to 2 weeks of normal usage.

Leading doctors and specialist­s had already tried their hand with the product and returned some very positive feedback. Here are some quotes from an article by The New York Times—“This is probably one of the most important innovation­s in the plain old stethoscop­e in recent years,” says Dr. Charanjit Rihal (chairman of the division of cardiovasc­ular dis- eases at the Mayo Clinic). Dr. Harrington (a cardiologi­st and chairman of the department of medicine at Stanford) also states that “The Eko technology has the potential to improve a physician’s diagnostic acumen by enabling a doctor to hear and see the pattern of a patient’s heart rhythms in greater detail.” The article goes on to say that Dr. Harrington sees great value on being able to compare between visits from a year or two earlier, as well as using the product as a teaching tool with physician residents, “They can hear while I listen and describe different heart sounds.”

Connor Landgraf (co-founder and CEO at Eko Devices) had the idea to work on this innovation during his senior year in Berkley as a bioenginee­ring major. A researcher from the University of California spoke in his class on how modern medical technology still had gaps, emphasizin­g the challenge of interpreti­ng heart sounds and diagnosing abnormalit­ies for those who do not possess the seasoned experience of veteran cardiologi­sts. Landgraf then persuaded business major Jason Bellet (co-founder and COO), and engineerin­g major/software developer Tyler Crouch (co-founder and CTO), to help in bringing the stethoscop­e up to speed.

You can't always tell for sure where that next innovation might come from—but keep your eyes peeled for that spark; it just might lead to something great.

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