Manila Bulletin

Father’s overflowin­g love


DURING the days of the Civil War in America, a guard was caught sleeping on duty. For that, he was sentenced to death.

When Pres. Abraham Lincoln learned about it, he himself talked with the guard and ordered the penalty to be commuted.

*** His generals complained, but the president’s decision remained. Because of the compassion­ate gesture, the soldier did his best from then on, and proved to be an exceptiona­lly diligent and conscienti­ous soldier.

*** That true story might well illustrate the over-bending compassion of the father in the parable of the Prodigal Son (Lk 15, 11-32) in this 4th Sunday of Lent.

Bible scholars say that the parable of the Prodigal Son is a misnomer. It should be called the parable of the “prodigal” Father because the whole story depicts the over bending love of the father toward his errant son.

*** This love begins when the father reluctantl­y yielded to the wish of his son who insisted to be free by getting his inheritanc­e and breaking away from home.

Although the father knew the danger that lay ahead, he let him go. This gives us an insight into God’s love: for love to be true it must be freely given; it cannot be forced.

*** After the profligate son had spent all his patrimony in “loose living,” he was despondent, broken, abandoned by his good-time friends.

In order to survive, the impoverish­ed lad had to work in a piggery feeding swine. This has an interestin­g symbolism.


For the Jews who are forbidden to eat pork, to work feeding swine and eating the “husks the pigs ate,” means they have reached the lowest level of their social status.

Then the young man came to his senses. He realized what a big mistake he had made. He says to himself, “I will rise and go to my father.” So he returned home.


The loving father in the story represents God and the wayward son is every sinner, that’s us. Christ is saying that after even the most stupid of mistakes or the most degrading sin, God is alwayas waiting for us and will take us back unconditio­nally.


We are in the season of Lent. This is a time and opportunit­y for us to return to our prodigal Father. All that’s needed is acceptance of our sins , confess our sins, and turn away our past sinful life, as the prodigal son did. If we do this, then we feel a deep sense of joy, peace and relief because we have returned to our heavenly Father.


Some of you may object to the Father’s lax treatment of the errant son as condoning wrongdoing.

Jesus’ parable conveys that, just as a particular child who’s sick needs extra special care and love, so a son who goes astray needs the same care and attention.


In trying to highlight the jealous older brother’s unhappines­s over the return of his wayward brother, a religion teacher asked her class: “Who was the most unhappy one in the household when the prodigal son returned?” (hinting to the older brother).

A boy replied: “Ma’am, the fatted cow because it was slaughtere­d for the homecoming!”

*** FAMILY TV MASS — aired on IBC 13 (channel 15 cable) at 7-8 a.m. every Sunday; also on internatio­nal GMA Pinoy TV. Sponsor: NATIONAL SHRINE OF THE DIVINE MERCY, Marilao Bulacan. Priest: Rev. Fr. Oscar Duran.


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