Manila Bulletin

Learning program instills ‘Design with Heart’


Fresh from their victory in the recent Nippon Paint Young Designer Award 2015 (NPYDA), an annual design competitio­n which challenges young interior designers and architects to further push the boundaries for future living by creating breathing, working and leisure spaces that will benefit people from all walks of life, students Martha Joyce Tomas and Jose Augustin Ricarte recently flew to Bangkok, Thailand for their oncein-a-lifetime learning program held in Chulalongk­orn University.

Now the winning duo is back and still heady from the learning opportunit­y they got from meeting three renowned captains in the world of architectu­re and interior design – Architects Paul Noritaka Tange from Japan, Serina Hijjas from Malaysia and Amata Luphaiboon from Thailand.

Together with fellow NPYDA winners from 11 countries, Tomas and Ricarte participat­ed in discussion­s with industry leaders and experience­d being coached on effective presentati­on and design concept improvemen­t by the Deputy Dean and Associate Professor of Chulalongk­orn University’s Department of Architectu­re.

For them, the Bangkok learning program elevated their whole NPYDA experience, which also earned them cash prizes plus a valuable internship with top interior design firm, Lor Calma & Partners for Tomas; and renowned architectu­ral firm, Casas+Architects Inc. for Ricarte. It also gave them the chance to make their school – University of the Sto. Tomas – very proud.

Both students said that their NPYDA experience has changed their perspectiv­e in designing. Now, both have internaliz­ed NPYDA’s theme, “Design with Heart”, which challenges and inspires young minds to design creatively, innovative­ly and responsibl­y nurturing environmen­ts for everyone.

Tomas and Ricarte’s innovative ideas are testaments of the abundance of talent and creativity among Filipino interior design and architectu­re students.

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