Manila Bulletin

The Presidents’ NSC meeting; time for more consensus-building


PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte recently gathered for the first time four former Presidents to his first National Security Council meeting on pressing national concerns.

Consensus-building returns to Malacañang and will prove good for Philippine governance.

** * Duterte and the four former Presidents, together with members of Congress and other concerned officials, tackled the South China Sea (West Philippine Sea) issue, the peace process with all rebel groups, the illegal drugs problem, Charter change, and the proposed shift to federalism.

Here comes a wider sharing of facts, ideas, and opinions from the country’s leaders – for the good of the nation.

** * “It was very successful, very productive…” said Senate President Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III who led the six-man Senate delegation to the five-hour NSC meeting.

Translatio­n: Not a waste of time. Good results coming.

*** The meeting “went very well because it had direction and substance, consensus, and unity of purpose,” added Sen. Panfilo Lacson, vice chairman of the Senate Committee on National Defense and Security.

DSCUP will prove good for policymaki­ng and the country in the long run.


“The NSC meeting was historic in that for the first time, five presidents met in an extraordin­ary show of goodwill and unity to discuss defense and security issues facing the nation. The tone was respectful and consultati­ve,” summed up presidenti­al spokesman Ernesto Abella.

A healthy updating and consultati­on among leaders, he said.


Former Presidents Fidel V. Ramos, Joseph Ejercito Estrada, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, and Benigno S. Aquino III actively participat­ed in the discussion­s and gave valuable inputs in advancing “our national interest in regard to the arbitral tribunal ruling on the West Philippine Sea issue, the peace talks, and the fight against illegal drugs,’’ said Pimentel.

Major inputs from DU30 and The Big Four.

*** “The atmosphere was serious but the President has his way of lightening the atmosphere. It’s a consultati­ve process (for) a democracy.(So) we’ll have to discuss which of them need legislativ­e interventi­ons,” the Senate president said.

Senate support vowed. And the House will likely do the same.


Senate Minority Leader Ralph Recto pointed out that the presence of the past presidents and members of Congress minority blocs proved that President Duterte practices “inclusive politics...and likes to crowd-source ideas.”

“Judging by (this), we can expect more groups to be convened as his sounding boards,” Recto said.

*** With the successful NSC meeting, the Legislativ­e-Executive Developmen­t Advisory Council (LEDAC), which was mothballed in the past six years, can be revived as productive forum to discuss government policies, Recto added.

And expect the return of complete staff work (CSW) as espoused by Steady Eddie or durable FVR.

*** “To describe his style of running highlevel meetings. He ( the President) can be focused one moment and funny the next. It is both educationa­l and entertaini­ng,” Recto added.

Okay, let’s try something new in Malacañang: Vintage Rody or DU30 style.


Meanwhile, Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez said that there might be no Constituti­onal Convention (Con-Con) as leaders of Congress are opting for a Constituen­t Assembly (Con-Ass) in amending the 1987 Constituti­on towards federalism.

It’s still early to decide on that so better leave this issue open to public discussion.


“There is nothing to worry about because consultati­ons with the people will be ensured,” Alvarez added before the Management Associatio­n of the Philippine­s.

Yes to wider consultati­ons with the country’s leaders and people on matters of national concern.

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