Manila Bulletin

Queenship of Mary


CATHOLICS, most especially Marian devotees, celebrate today the Feast of the Queenship of Mary. Mary, in Christian tradition is regarded as the mother of Jesus, our Lord, Savior, and King. The Catholic Church believes that it is but right that Christians honor the mother of Jesus as Queen. On October 11, 1954, Pope Pius XII, in his Papal Bull “Ad Coeli Reginam” establishe­d the Feast of the Queenship of Mary to be celebrated throughout the world, and commanded that on that day each year, the world should renew its consecrati­on to her. A few decades later, the feast was transferre­d to August 22.

The Blessed Mother has a great role to play in our journey towards our heavenly home. While on pilgrimage on earth, we, God’s sons and daughters, call upon Mary for help and intercessi­on. We ask for her help and through her prayers, God listens to our cries. She also bestows upon us her mantle of maternal protection especially from the snares of the evil one. We can always count on her love and care for us, her children in the one family of God. She is our mother and model, our guide and intercesso­r.

Today, when the world is longing for peace grounded on justice, love, and mercy, we once more seek Mary’s intercessi­on to bring peace to our land and to the whole world. Let us pray to her so that she may intercede for us to the Father to grant us peace. May she touch our hardened hearts that we may open ourselves to dialogue and fraternal charity. May the peace of Christ live in our hearts through Mary’s gentle and loving embrace. Mary, our queen and the queen of peace, please bring peace to our land and to the whole world by bringing us closer to Jesus Christ who is the source of true peace.

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