Manila Bulletin

Eating quality protein corn recommende­d


There are very good reasons why more Filipinos should eat white corn, especially IPB Var 6, an open-pollinated corn (which is being promoted by the experts of the Institute of Plant Breeding at Los Baños like Dr. Artemio M. Salazar.

IPB Var 6 is a white flint corn, one of those they call QPM or Quality Protein Maize. According to the IPB, QPM white corn has higher dietary fiber, lysine and protein than rice.

Because QPM has higher amylose than rice, this makes it harder to gelatinize and slower to digest. IPB Var 6 has low glycemic index (GI) and because of this it can lessen the risk of diabetes. Carbohydra­tes in corn break down slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream.

Because white corn takes longer to digest, it helps delay hunger pangs and promotes weight loss in overweight people.

Low GI food is a slow-releasing fuel for the muscles which can extend the endurance of an athlete. This makes it understand­able why most Filipino boxers are corn eaters.

For human consumptio­n the flint white corn has to be milled into grits. Here’s how to cook pure corn grits: 1.Wash once or twice then drain. 2.If using an automatic rice cooker, add 2 cups water to 1 cup of grits. To ensure complete gelatiniza­tion, first soak the grits in water for at least 15 minutes before cooking.

3.If using rice pot over gas stove, use the same ratio of 2 cups water for 1 cup grits. Once it boils, set the flame to low and stir occasional­ly.

4. Finish by steaming over very low heat. RECOMMENDA­TIONS: 1.Be sure that the white corn to be processed is of good quality and

 ??  ?? PURPLE CORN is on the cover of the March 2017 issue of Agricultur­e Magazine which will be off the press soon. A variety that was planted as early as 4,000 years ago by the Peru Incas, it is now being introduced in the Philippine­s because it is supposed to provide many health benefits.
PURPLE CORN is on the cover of the March 2017 issue of Agricultur­e Magazine which will be off the press soon. A variety that was planted as early as 4,000 years ago by the Peru Incas, it is now being introduced in the Philippine­s because it is supposed to provide many health benefits.
 ??  ?? DR. ARTEMIO M. SALAZAR of the Institute of Plant Breeding at UP Los Baños is a strong advocate of eating white corn, particular­ly the IPB Var 6, which is considered a Quality Protein Maize. It has a low glycemic index (GI) so it is good for diabetics and those who want to lose weight.
DR. ARTEMIO M. SALAZAR of the Institute of Plant Breeding at UP Los Baños is a strong advocate of eating white corn, particular­ly the IPB Var 6, which is considered a Quality Protein Maize. It has a low glycemic index (GI) so it is good for diabetics and those who want to lose weight.

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