Manila Bulletin

Leni fires back at online critics


She may have chosen to ignore her online critics and bashers, who attack her using social media before but not anymore…

Vice President Leni Robredo, who initially chose to ignore online critics and bashers, on Friday asked those who “spread lies” and attack her through social media and the public to become an “army of truth seekers.”

In a speech she delivered at the Cebu Eastern College, Robredo expressed readiness to take on those who continue to discredit her using the social media as a platform.

“Just last night, fresh attacks on social media were directed at me again,” she said.

“Some of those who wish to attack my integrity and character began a campaign to spread lies… their attacks are vicious; not even my children are immune to their assault,” she lamented.

Robredo said that she has been quite vocal about her views on certain matters in the past weeks.

“And there were threats that if I don’t stop, they will attack me… however, I did not stop,” she said.

“When deceit is forced upon you, resist it with your right to dissent,” Robredo stressed.

She added that in these divisive times, people must always see to it that “our freedom to speak is accompanie­d by responsibi­lity for the words we use.”

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