Manila Bulletin

First Sunday of Lent


THE season of Lent is traditiona­lly known as a period for the preparatio­n of catechumen­s, candidates for the reception of the Sacrament of Baptism that will be administer­ed during the Easter Vigil. For the already baptized, it is an opportunit­y to reflect and look back at their own baptismal experience, an experience of rebirth and of a new life in Christ. The liturgical readings during the 40 days of Lent are meant to remind us of the grace that we receive in baptism.

One of these is the grace of purificati­on and cleansing. In baptism, we are told that our sins are washed away and we are made a new creation in Christ. Today’s liturgical readings present to us our human condition of vulnerabil­ity and being prone to commit mistakes. But we have been given the grace too to resist all kinds of evil and all allurement­s of the evil one. Adam and Eve were tempted in paradise to disobey God and they gave in. Jesus was also tempted three times in the desert after praying and pasting for 40 days, but he remained true to his call. He was able to resist the temptation of the evil one.

All of us in one way or the other have experience­d being tempted to disobey God. However, Jesus shows us that a person who is deeply connected with the Lord is determined to be faithful to Him and no matter what. If we cling to God’s Word like Jesus, the Spirit of the Lord will guide us to the path of righteousn­ess and will make us strong amidst all allurement­s of the devil.

For those of us who succumbed to the temptation­s of this world: God does not abandon us. His mercy and love endures forever, the Bible tells us. Pope Francis keeps on telling us not to get tired of asking for forgivenes­s from the Lord. In the Sacrament of Reconcilia­tion, we can make peace with God and with our neighbor. It gives us the opportunit­y to make amends and resolve to start anew.

In the Sacraments of Baptism and Reconcilia­tion, we receive the grace of a new life in Christ.

Let us always be attuned to Christ’s teachings and strive to follow in his footsteps. Jesus Christ is our sure model and guide in heeding the voice of God. In our society today, there are too many voices that we hear. The voices, no matter how loud and attractive and promising, do not assure us of true happiness and peace. We must discern of whom to listen to and obey. It is only the voice of God that we should listen and adhere to because it is only His voice that will give us lasting joy. Let us always listen to Jesus for He brings to us the joy of the love and mercy of God.

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