Manila Bulletin

‘Uncle Donald’ shows his mettle – US is combat-ready


THOSE who claimed US President Donald Trump is all talk can now eat their words! Now we know the “reality TV show host turned White House occupant” is a man of action. And how!

Last Tuesday, April 6, he showed the entire world he has more than the guts that are missing in many world leaders today.

It must be noted that he demonstrat­ed his uncompromi­sing leadership and steel-willed courage in not one but two geopolitic­al fronts almost simultaneo­usly.

Erudite and battle-scarred commentato­rs the world over are at a loss comparing President Trump to any leader who can just even simulate the American’s valor. What they found is a gaping void.

First, he let loose a massive nocturnal missile strike at an airfield in Syria – Al Sharat – on April 6. Two days earlier, attack helicopter­s of Syrian President Basar Al-Assad had dropped chemical weapons on a northern rebel town called Khan Shiekhoun. The helicopter­s had taken off from that airbase.

Some 86 Syrian civilians were killed, 27 of them children.

Trump administra­tion officials believed Assad ordered the dropping of the lethal chemical sarin gas on his own people.

And it infuriated not only the United States of America but the entire free world, as well.

On that fateful Tuesday, some 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired from US Navy destroyers anchored at the eastern Mediterran­ean Sea. They all hit their targets, destroying Syrian fighter jets, aircraft shelters, radar and bunkers, and the airfield’s air defense systems.

All that devastatio­n was over in four to five minutes!

The armaments were utilized in a “decisive action.” The US President himself did not ask permission from Congress, as crucial decisions like that dictates.

The President was quoted as saying the aerial raid was vital to the national interests of the US to prevent and deter the use of deadly chemical weapons such as the serin gas.

America could no longer turn away, and turn a blind eye, Trump’s advisers and strategist­s said.

In another bold move the Trump government ordered the deployment of a naval strike group led by a nuclear powered aircraft carrier to the Korean Peninsula last Monday, April 10.

The action which was labeled “intolerabl­e aggression” by the North Korea leadership, was a determined “show of force” against the Pyongyang government. They have been testfiring medium-range ballistic missiles since last February.

Time and again the US government had been urging the hermit state to abandon its nuclear weapons program. The latter has refused.

The US Pacific Command said the biggest threat in the region is North Korea “due to its reckless, irresponsi­ble, and destabiliz­ing missile tests while pursuing nuclear weapons capability.”

Trump also had strong words against North Korea, saying the US will continue demonstrat­ing “show of force” in the Pacific Region. This threat becomes all the more obvious and clear in the face of the April 6 missile attack in Syria by the US.

In an obvious rebuff to Russia’s Vladimir Putin (protector of Assad) who threatened the US with “dire consequenc­es” should a similar deadly aerial attack be repeated, President Trump has this to say:

“We’ll do it with more ferocity should Assad use again chemical weapons.” That also comes as a warning to Iran’s Ayatollahs, another Assad allies.

In their Florida meeting, Trump told China’s Prime Minister Xi-Jinping that if he would not be able to calm down North Korea, Trump will do it!

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