Manila Bulletin

The best wedding ever


READ: REVELATION 21:1-8 The wedding of the Lamb has come, and hs bride has made herself ready. Revelation 19:7

WITHIN the last 800 or so years, a new custom has been added to the Jewish wedding ceremony. At the very end, the groom crushes a wine glass under his foot. One explanatio­n of this is that the shattering of the glass symbolizes the destructio­n of the temple in AD 70. Young couples are encouraged to remember, as they establish their own homes, that God’s home had been destroyed.

God is not homeless, however. He has just chosen a new place to live – in us, His followers. In the metaphors of Scripture, believers are both the bride of Christ and the temple in which God lives. God is fitting His people together to build a new home that will be His permanent dwelling place. At the same time, He is preparing the bride and planning a wedding that will include all of God’s family from the beginning of time.

Our part is easy though sometimes painful. We cooperate with God as He is at work in us to make us more like His Son Jesus. Then some day, at the best wedding ever, our Lord will present us to Himself without spot or wrinkle. We will be holy and without blemish (EPH. 5:27). This wedding will bring an end to all sorrow and suffering.


Finish them Thy new creation; pure and spotless let us be; let us see Thy great salvation perfectly restored in Thee. – WESLEY

The return of Jesus is sure.

©2017 ODB Ministries, 3000, Kraft Ave., SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49555-0001, USA. Used by permission. For this and other materials contact ODB Ministries at 322 P. Guevarra, San Juan City (Phils.); Tel.: 722-2010.

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