Manila Bulletin


(THURSDAY, 4 MAY 2017)


ARIES (March 21-April 20) – You will see things more clearly and get help from an unexpected source. Do not expect your friends to share all your interests and enthusiasm. And do make more effort to participat­e in what interest them as well as your partner. Do not attempt to do more than you have time and energy for. TAURUS (April 21-May 20) – Choose carefully and let your partner have his/her say before making up your mind. Today you will be able to successful­ly conclude what you had set out to do; try to make a clear and realizable program. You will be able to show what you are capable of, try not to miss the opportunit­y. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) – Now is not the time to experiment, instead proceed in a manner you know will work. You may be subject to more positive influences but you must still not do the first thing that comes to your mind There will be some ups and downs but you will also have good cause for satisfacti­on. CANCER (June 21-July 20) – Do not try to maintain the same lifestyle as someone a lot better off than you. The situation is rather complex and you will not improve matters by trying to oversimpli­fy them. Instead seek to circumspec­t and to use all the tact and skill of which you are capable. LEO (July 21-Aug. 20) – Try not to become involved in a friend’s emotional problems to any greater extent than giving him your support and sympathy. Before you proceed with anything requiring a consensus of opinion do make sure that such a consensus exists with those who are concerned. VIRGO (Aug 21-Sept. 22) – Concentrat­e on doing what has to be done but do not spend all your time working, neglecting your leisure interests. You may find it a little harder to adapt to circumstan­ce, but given the will, the way will come to you. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) – Avoid extravagan­ce but do buy now something you will definitely need in the near future that is likely to go up in price. Once you have decided on what to do proceed with it and do not allow thoughts of what others may think or say to delay of your actions SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) – Do all you can to avoid creating confusion and do not get in other people’s way. Intrigues and sometimes rivalry at work will always be there. Though you cannot altogether avoid them, you should try to do so as much as possible. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) – Combat a tendency to leave too much of the loving to your partner. You will however discern that eventualit­y before any harm is done. Do not do anything you would consider unfair were it done to you. Try to make the supreme effort to try to overcome an aversion to something that must be done. CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) – Try to concentrat­e on dealing with those matters over which you have control. Others may not be quite as amenable as you would like them to be but will still respond more to charm and persuasion than to abruptness. Do your best not to allow your prejudice to interfere with your impartiali­ty. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) – You will find it hard to get into the right mood for the task at hand. All kinds of excuses will occur to you, but do not succumb to any of them. Don’t depend too much on promises and put your energies into good use. Take another look at your motives, changing direction where desirable PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) – You will have an opportunit­y to repeat what you enjoyed doing in the past and it will still prove enjoyable. You will be full of ideas with your projects and you will meet lots of people who will be able to help you to make progress with your work.

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