Manila Bulletin

Politics in these sorrowful times

- By J. ART D. BRION You can contact me at

IVISITED the Supreme Court, for the first time after my retirement, to see and listen to the oral arguments of the martial law cases. With a very interestin­g legal topic and a case that touches on the life of the nation, I expected to see high-level debates that would explore the intricacie­s of the law seen through properly presented and proven facts.

I was disappoint­ed though and did not last beyond the lunch break of the first day, as the overlay of politics was obvious and palpable in the presentati­on of the first petition.

Save for one counsel, the presentati­ons did not rise beyond the level of improvised congressio­nal speeches, nor did counsel go to the level that the Court deserves – a presentati­on complete with fully establishe­d facts aligned with well researched legal arguments. The presenting counsel, it seemed to me, still largely lived in the past and were still battling a politician now long gone – President Ferdinand Marcos.

During President Marcos’ time, the large scale and transnatio­nal terrorism the world knows today did not exist. His was a battle against Communists who still operated on World War II weapons, communicat­ions, and means of mobility, along the lines of the World War II vintage Hukbalahap­s. Response to terrorist acts like the Communists’ Plaza Miranda bombing could still be the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus and hit-and-run battles against territoria­l lawless elements.

Today, the nation faces well-thought out terroristi­c acts against one specific government unit (for now), apparently with the intent of occupying its territory unless the attacks are halted. The nation faces, too, lawless elements who are well-armed, well-funded, with global reach and linkages, and who can be away from the battle scene because of the mobility that technology now gives them.

What their acts are called – whether invasion or rebellion – becomes secondary when the attacks place the sovereignt­y of the Republic over its territory (or parts of it) in jeopardy, when citizens are being killed, and when the ensuing battles are destroying a city. Whether martial law or military action should be confined only to the scenes of actual violence, also becomes a useless question to consider as it glosses over the nature and mode of operations of today’s terrorism.

The second petition before the Court, under the by-line of former Solicitor General Hilbay, appears to be a lot more interestin­g as it is an excellentl­y drafted petition from the constituti­onal litigation point of view. It lays the proper technical basis and its argument is to the point – whether the Constituti­on requires that Congress, i.e., the Senate and the House of Representa­tives, should convene as one body in order to be “voting jointly.” This is an engaging legal point that will test the interpreta­tive skills of the justices as well as their determinat­ion to merely interpret, not to fill in substantiv­e gaps in the Constituti­on for actions that are not for the courts to undertake.

Beyond these, I dare not say more without violating the rule that outside comments bearing on the merits of cases should not be made while these cases are pending before the courts.

In any case, the petitions and the arguments, in my view, support the propositio­n that after the current national security problem and these current cases are resolved, we should already consider the review of our Constituti­on.

Rather than a reactive Constituti­on aimed at a foe no longer known to the present generation except through questionab­le historical write-ups and biased short descriptio­ns, we should have a constituti­on that looks back to the whole of our national history and looks forward to national objectives and aspiration­s based on current and developing national and global realities.

Our Constituti­on should not be a partisan document that zeroes in on a specific individual based on politics. This is the approach that has led to the emasculati­on of what should otherwise be a potent power of government put in place to ensure the order and security of the state.

Martial law, as provided in our various Constituti­ons, has never been intended to be a tool for repression. We have to presume good faith and regularity in the action of the government unless the contrary is clearly shown (to use the words of Justice Lucas Bersamin during the martial law oral arguments, although he used them in a slightly different context).

Another aspect of our Constituti­on, seemingly minor in the usual times, is the time frame for the resolution of presidenti­al and vice-presidenti­al electoral protests. This matter is highlighte­d by the unexplaine­d “private time” the President has taken at the height of the Marawi fighting. I am one of those who, aside from praying for Marawi and its people, also prayed – “Please God, save President Duterte from harm at this critical time; take him with you as sooner or later you must, but not at this time, please God.”

I refer to the unthinkabl­e – the disappeara­nce of the President from the scene at this critical time.

Our election took place more than a year ago; the current administra­tion would have been in place at the end of this month. The protest of Senator Bongbong Marcos has been pending since then. (Readers will remember that in the previous administra­tion, the similar protest of candidate Mar Roxas against Vice President Jejomar Binay had been left unresolved for six long years.)

When and if the nation re-examines the current Constituti­on, we should perhaps impose time limits in resolving protests at the presidenti­al and vicepresid­ential levels. We need the utmost in stability at the highest levels of our government and should restrict the times of uncertaint­y to the minimum.

A sentiment that may take a crisis (or even a tragedy) for us to see or feel, is the love of country that in usual times is kept locked, unspoken, at the level of the heart; it manifests itself in critical times, still not in words, but through unbidden tears sent by the speaking heart.

I saw such love during the flag ceremony at Marawi on Independen­ce Day. While the lawless terrorized Marawi, Muslims and Christians alike, without distinctio­n and as Filipinos, with right hands to their heart, looked at the ascending flag with tears in their eyes. I saw these manifestat­ions, too, when the coffins of our slain soldiers came and people lined up in grief.

Oh, how I wish the Supreme Court had started its oral argument proceeding­s with the showing of these scenes, followed by the singing of the national anthem.

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