Manila Bulletin

How A Journalism...

- (Ed Madison, University of Oregon, AP)

accused of singlehand­edly swaying the election. A subsequent Pew Research study indicated that 23 percent of Americans claim to have shared a made-up news story – either knowingly or not.

Whether it’s labeled “fake news” or newfangled propaganda, misinforma­tion undermines institutio­ns and spreads baseless beliefs. It’s also likely to have a long-term effect on the next generation of voters.

Beyond critical thinking Curricular standards now emphasize “critical thinking” as a cornerston­e of contempora­ry education. Critical thinking speaks to a need for young people to become discerning interprete­rs of informatio­n and to make judgments based on thoughtful analysis.

Yet, the term’s meaning remains elusive for many educators, and clear methodolog­ies for cultivatin­g it are scarce.

I prefer the term “informed thinking” to describe a deeper level of student engagement, one that my research indicates can better prepare young people to effectivel­y navigate the complex and nuanced landscape of modern news and social media.

An informed thinker is someone who has researched a topic and has been thoughtful in making sure that what he is presenting is credible, valid and well-researched. Informed thinking articulate­s a clearer method and result than critical thinking. Students learn to detect biases and agendas in media and are empowered to distinguis­h fact from fiction.

I would argue that this approach makes students more than savvy consumers: Informed thinkers become effective problem solvers, emerge as content creators and learn to advocate for public good. The Maine Department of Education formulated this perspectiv­e 20 years ago and has since adopted it as a guiding principle.

Journalism in the classroom

My research builds on a legacy of previous studies that confirm that students who have journalism or publicatio­n experience earn better grades and test scores than their peers who do not. They also develop more effectivel­y as informed thinkers.

At the University of Oregon, our School of Journalism and Communicat­ion and our College of Education have partnered with education thought leaders Esther Wojcicki and Tara Guber to develop and pilot curricula for middle schools and high schools that get to the heart of these matters. The Journalist­ic Learning Initiative (JLI) is an experience­based program designed to enhance existing English Language Arts courses with specific emphasis on informatio­n gathering, storytelli­ng and publishing.

During the 2016-17 academic year, JLI facilitate­d programs at Oaklea Middle School and Springfiel­d High School, both in Oregon. According to an independen­t assessment (not yet published), 85 to 90 percent of the participat­ing students agreed that the journalist­ic skills learned in JLI were useful and relevant.

In September 2017, JLI will expand to include four more Oregon schools, and two in Los Angeles.

There are other programs with similar missions: the Journalism Education Associatio­n (JEA), which offers training and support for student publicatio­n advisors; the News Literacy Project, a nonpartisa­n nonprofit that brings working journalist­s into classrooms; and the Center for News Literacy at Stony Brook University in New York, which offers news literacy course materials online. While these programs can all support the work of teachers and advisors, JLI excels by embedding its methods into an existing curriculum.

Moving forward Student media programs are by no means a new phenomenon, but recent trends suggest that student newspapers are in decline. Journalism programs, where they exist, rarely count as English credit. In my experience they’re typically underfunde­d afterschoo­l programs or are offered under the guise of yearbook clubs. There are few courses or curricula that teach media literacy, research fundamenta­ls and content creation technology.

The Common Core State Standards call for 70 percent of the texts emphasized in an English Language Arts curriculum to be nonfiction by 12th grade. The standards also stress the importance of media creation.

Though journalism doesn’t have the same curricular status as Advanced Placement or Honors English, it does embody important fundamenta­ls common to these – and most – educationa­l standards: research methods, content creation and media literacy. What’s more, it’s an opportunit­y for educators to play a part in helping students become truly informed thinkers.

As misinforma­tion continues to plague the public, journalism education presents a familiar yet untapped resource.

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