Manila Bulletin

A SONA of peace and comfortabl­e life – Palace


PRESIDENT Duterte plans to deliver an exciting, much longer, yet meaningful State of the Nation Address (SONA) that will focus on providing Filipinos with a more comfortabl­e life, prosperity, law and order, and peace.

They are what the people are hoping for. And they will accept them gladly.

*** Presidenti­al Communicat­ions Secretary Martin Andanar said the President’s SONA will revolve around the theme “a comfortabl­e life for all.”

Yes, comfort us all, Mr. President, and we will sing Hosanna!

*** Duterte’s second SONA will be longer than his first since he will outline the projects completed or started during the first year of his administra­tion and also his plans for the next five years.

Expect a report on Duterte’s first year in office plus a five-year plan projection.

*** “The President does not want to be preempted in what he will say. Just expect a meaningful SONA and expect an exciting one,” Andanar said.

Translatio­n: Expect the best from DU30. Walang paandar. *** “A comfortabl­e life for all… under this are prosperity for all, law and order, and peace,” Andanara dded.

A glimpse of an ideal state. So let’s wish they all come true.

*** “We can expect a less technical but more meaningful SONA,” Andanar said.

Yes, better with no frills and impossible promises.

*** “So expect a much longer SONA because last year the President did not have much achievemen­t yet, unlike now that a lot of people are benefittin­g from his projects,” Andanar said.

The President may also mention his platforms and campaigns, plus the results of the administra­tion’s war against illegal drugs and corruption, he added.

*** Andanar said it is also possible that the Chief Executive may announce new policies before the people.

“We know the President. He is full of surprises and at the same time, when he is passionate about something, he will go into adlib,” Andanar said.

*** The President is also set to submit the 2018 national budget proposal to Congress amounting to 13.767 trillion, 12.4 percent higher than last year’s outlay and mainly for education and infrastruc­ture.

“President plans to submit the budget on the day of the SONA itself. That’s a first in Philippine history... so we can have an early start for 2018,” Budget Secretary Ben Diokno said. *** The President is also likely to appeal to the Senate to pass the Tax Reform for Accelerati­on and Inclusion Act during his SONA to propel the government’s ambitious “Build, Build, Build!” infrastruc­ture program. “We need it if you want to be competitiv­e,” Diokno said.

Yes to reasonable taxes but no “thumb tacks/tax” please.

*** Malacañang has reiterated the President’s appeal for the SONA to be as simple as his SONA last year “without the showcasing of extravagan­t attire.”

Yes to a good and comprehens­ive SONA. At walang patalbugan sana!

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