Manila Bulletin




ARIES (March 21-April 20) – Take your responsibi­lities seriously endeavorin­g to fulfill them. If you try to tell others what to do you will achieve no more than to arouse their resentment. Miracles rarely ever happen so do not now rely upon one. Make a move, but wait for a reaction before going any further. TAURUS (April 21-May 20) – If you are not sure, do not act as if you were. Do not leave anyone close to you I doubt about your motives and intentions. Make an effort to determine what is important and attend to it first. Something that you have been unable to resolve will now become easier to deal with. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) – Something you have long wanted to do will now become possible but it will no longer be quite so attractive. Your ingenuity will help you to find a substitute for a missing part. You will be able to turn what seemed like a disadvanta­ge profoundly in your favor. CANCER (June 21-July 20) – You must beware of offending people. Avoid spending to the point where you get yourself more than slightly into debt. You will tend to get bored rather easily; miss no opportunit­y to stimulate your interest and enthusiasm. LEO (July 21-Aug. 20) – If instead of expecting results right away, you are patient your patience will be rewarded. Do your best to keep things simple and to simplify some things that are complicate­d. Something you have forgotten about should be attended to without further delay. VIRGO (Aug 21-Sept. 22) – Do not be too proud to accept advice from whoever gives it, provided it is good. If you attempt to offload your responsibi­lities onto others, you will succeed only in antagonizi­ng them. Even if you are no longer as young as you were there is still plenty to live for. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) – An idea you have had to save money will not work; it takes too much time. Never mind, it was worth a try and do not give up so doing. The prospects of resolving a practical matter are good, only you must act swiftly. Do not insist on too much formality. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) – Give your sense of humor an airing, but laugh more at yourself and not at the plight of others. Out of politeness, you would do well to laugh at a friend’s joke. Your creative and cultural interests should be given more prominence. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) – A journey of yours will take longer than you though so start out sooner to be sure of arriving on time. Even if you feel enterprisi­ng make sure you do not do anything too outrageous. It will be easier to deal with some persistent problems because you are able to use new ideas to deal with them. CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) – Avoid change for change’s sake. In fact some things that have not been changed for ages are still quit satisfacto­ry. Do first what is most urgent and important and do your best to discern what is. You should not try to struggle against what cannot be changed any longer. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) – Beware; there is a tendency to leave an important factor out of account. Avoid being rigid; do not hesitate to make some necessary changes. Do not be so quick about coming to a decision, think a little longer about it and take a new factor into account. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) – Avoid doing anything you even suspect might antagonize a friend, unless there is simply no alternativ­e. What you though could be done in a few moments will take a lot longer than that, but it will prove to have been well worth the time and effort.

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